Tag: featured

The World After America

It was only through reading the Acknowledgment at the end of “Strategic Vision, American and Crisis of Global Power” that we discovered the reason between the deficiencies of portions of the first half of the book and the brilliance of the final chapters: They were drafted by two different aides!

LETTER: Judicial Corruption Alive and Well in Pennsylvania

For the last 22 years I have been basically screaming from the rooftops that Judicial Corruption is not only real but also prevalent in the Pennsylvania’s Courts. Until a person is thrust into the Court System, one has no basis to conclude the courts are anything but fair and honest. That is exactly how I felt until I experienced my own rude awakening back in the 1990’s.

Remarks by Former Official Fuel Israeli Discord on Iran

From the NEW YORK TIMES: The recently retired chief of Israel’s internal security agency accused the government of “misleading the public” about the likely effectiveness of an aerial strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, ratcheting up the criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak from the country’s security establishment.

What are we to think of a country where…?

ROME: A simple task: Exchange $100 US for Euros. To get a good rate, it is best to visit a bank. First we had to pass though a chamber where one door opened and closed behind and then a second door opens. Mrs. Watchdog and I tried to go together but the second door would not permit two at a time. Can’t be too careful.

Heavy debt loads may be holding down consumer spending

From USA TODAY: Households have whittled down the massive debt they racked up in the mid-2000s credit bubble, but apparently not enough to nudge them into a spending binge that could jump-start the recovery, some economists say. Household debt is closely watched by economists because consumers burdened by big monthly payments for mortgage, credit card and student loan obligations are less likely to splurge on clothing, furniture and travel.