Ehud Olmert, Former Israel Prime Minister, Against Iran Strike


…”There is no reason at this time not to talk about a military effort,” he said, “but definitely not to initiate an Israeli military strike.”

Israel and the West suspect Iran is aiming to obtain nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Olmert was Israel’s prime minister from 2006-2009. He was in office when a suspected nuclear site in Syria was attacked in 2007. It was assumed that Israel carried out the airstrike, but Israel never acknowledged that…

EDITOR: Thank heaven that rational voices are being heard in Israel to avoid the madness of another senseless Mid-East War.  Yesterday Mrs. Watchdog visited  the hallowed ground of a World War II American military cemetery in Tunisia with its over 2,000 grave sites.  (More on this later.)  The death of all young service persons is equally tragic but at least those deaths were to fight fascism, not the result of misguided national policy and to serve the Military Industrial complex.
