LETTER: Judicial Corruption Alive and Well in Pennsylvania

For the last 22 years I have been basically screaming from the rooftops that Judicial Corruption is not only real but also prevalent in the Pennsylvania’s Courts. Until a person is thrust into the Court System, one has no basis to conclude the courts are anything but fair and honest. That is exactly how I felt until I experienced my own rude awakening back in the 1990’s.

I was chastised by the then “President Judge of Luzerne County” for even hinting there may be a problem in the courts. The exact quote by the President Judge was, “How dare you question the integrity of this court?” Three Luzerne County Judges are now in Federal Prison on corruption and bribery charges which includes the son of the President Judge who admonished me.

The question is no longer, is there corruption in the Pennsylvania Judicial System but rather, how extensive is this corruption?

In the case of Luzerne County, the Judicial Corruption addressed by the Federal Indictments of these three Judges halted their corruption that flourished in the open for years unabated. For the most part, the Judges’ illegal activity was properly reported to the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Neither oversight organization fulfilled their requirements to intervene.  Rather both organizations totally rejected legitimate, provable information of misconduct that was clearly provided to them. Was this incompetence or culpability? Apparently, we will never know the answer to this question as neither organization is talking and no one is demanding that they do so. It also appears that the JCB went so far as to successfully attack a “whistleblower” in violation of its own rules and procedures.

Window dressing legislation has become the order of the day instead of hard core reform and accountability.  It appears that not a single Pennsylvania Legislator has the spine or fortitude to take on the toughest issues concerning fairness under the law. It also appears many of these very same Legislators have their own “judicial matters” that need to be addressed, if you know what I mean.

Let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind. Judicial Corruption is alive and well in courtrooms throughout the Commonwealth. But for the FBI investigating corruption in the Luzerne County Judiciary the three Judges presently incarcerated in Federal Penitentiaries would still be committing crimes from the bench with no one in Harrisburg doing anything about it. My proof of this is simply Harrisburg’s long term track record.

Corruption in the Judiciary affects everyone whether or not you are ever involved in litigation. Our entire society is based on fairness and unbiased adjudication under the law. Thousands of provable examples of judicial corruption go unchallenged every year. Our court’s moral compass is askew and our leaders are intoxicated on power and money while steering us onto the rocks all the while telling us, “All is well.”

All is not well. The very private club informally known as the “Black Robe Society” must be held accountable by the citizens who pay the bills and not by the aspiring individuals who someday hope to become members. Judges being held totally unaccountable for their actions and immune from civil liability even if they commit crimes from the bench is a concept refined in countries we have fought wars with.

EDITOR: The above was written by a native of Luzerne County but is relevant state wide.


1 Comment

  1. Same here. Went from two unfounded PFA’s along with unfounded Child Sexual Abuse Allegations by ex wife, who gained custody as soon as she filed in Lancaste,r PA and was allowed to maintain after everything was made officially unfounded.

    No accountability for her action;s just rewarded with gaining full custody.

    I was basically shut down by the judge, being back then Judge Henry Kenderdine, and he basically stated that it was old news during continued custody cases.

    I contacted the local Lancaster Country Children and Youth when the ex took my then 2 year old daughter, who was completely attached to me due to her mother never being home or being locked up in bedroom when her mother was on phone with other men for hours. they told me of the Child Sexual Abuse allegations after I told them that the Mother was very unstable and I needed help getting my daughter back.

    They made excuses for the Mother as if the allegations were true and helped her keep my daughter. My ex also has used the local child support office, the Office of Domestic Relations, to modify support almost yearly causing arrears each time after I just got caught up with support from the last increase.

    I have been through multiple custody cases and made several statements about the Mother doing things to disrupt our visits, causing problems, “friction” in our relationship because of her behaviors along with the new husbands. T

    he courts make it worse each time by taking time away except when I had a good attorney and we filed for contempt actions. The Mother agreed to most of my terms as I live out of state, for which I moved to enjoy uninterrupted visit as I was always having problems while living in Lancaster Pa.

    I spent so much money for court fees and attorney fees, even drove back and fourth for weekly visits, holidays, ecetera after being advised by my attorneys that this would help with my case, but it never did; just put the Mother in control over me and being manipulated.

    I have been lied to by corrupt attorneys that favored my ex the whole time and manipulated to give into her irrational demands, even lost a case and precious time because one of my attorneys set me up to lose as he was friends with the ex wife’s attorney.

    The current judge in my case is Judge Jeffery Reich and he has continued to take time away and set up any visitation schedule that interferes with work schedules etc to include constantly taking off for work and putting my employment in jeopardy constantly.

    There is no doubt in my mind that Lancaster County PA courts system is corrupt and discriminates against fathers except the lucky few to whom they have to give custody too from time to time to try to prove otherwise on paper. It the quid pro quo status 80/20 percentage.

    So here is to you the lucky 20% that the court awards custody to you, but probably lose later I am sure.

    EDITOR: We cannot speak to the accuracy of the above. But we do know that people can bring outrageous and unsubstantiated charges and depend on often ‘knee jerk’ judicial system to serve their ends.

    On the other hand, one slip up and the case worker or judge will be crucified by the media.

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