How Teens In The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News

BUZZ FEED: …Over the past year, the Macedonian town of Veles (population 45,000) has experienced a digital gold rush as locals launched at least 140 US politics websites. These sites have American-sounding domain names such as,,,, and They almost all publish aggressively pro-Trump content aimed at conservatives and Trump supporters […]

LETTER: Election should be anulled

NEWSLANC EDITOR:   Although we do not necessarily agree with what is said below, we publish it because it is important for a democracy that serious, albeit divergent, voices be heard.   The real reason Trump won the most electoral votes and I believe is grounds to annul the 2016 election: Donald Trump used intimidation to […]

Rendell to blame

By Dick Miller   WE.CONNECT.DOTS:   – If you were rooting for Trump, send a “Thank You” card to Ed Rendell. If Rendell would have left Joe Sestak alone in the PA primary for US Senate, Democrats would not only have won that seat but also cast its electoral votes for Hillary Clinton for President. Assuming Hillary […]

Let’s revisit a relevant moment in US history

By Robert Field Harry Truman was a great president but the country was bitterly divided over many of his proposals. Dwight Eisenhower became President and quietly facilitated many of the liberal improvements that Truman had initiated or proposed. Flash forward:  Withdrawing troops form the Mid-East?   Not fighting with Assad in Syria?  Improving the Affordable […]

LETTER: It is getting clearer every day

EDITORS NOTE:  We don’t want to censure thoughtful communications because it is politically incorrect to speak critically about the President Elect so soon after election.  Obviously publication should not be construed as agreement.  We encourage civil and informed discussion.  It is a relief from the ignorance and trash talk we often encounter on our Facebook page.     […]

LETTER: Democratic Party no longer represents working class

The Democratic party once represented the working class. But over the last three decades the party has been taken over by Washington-based fundraisers, bundlers, analysts, and pollsters who have focused instead on raising campaign money from corporate and Wall Street executives and getting votes from upper middle-class households in “swing” suburbs. WK

In case you missed the October 14 column by Bill Keisling

:  Does Trump have hidden support in Pennsylvania? October 14, 2016 Featured, Keisling on Pennsylvania Politics, News and Commentary 10 Comments Edit The ‘Undercover Trump Voter’: A ‘Reverse Bradley Effect?’ Donald Trump is pandering to angry, often under-educated and politically unsophisticated voters in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. So are voters shy to tell pollsters of their real voting intentions? by […]