MAKING EXCUSES: Clinton, McGinty losses highlight glass ceilings in Pa.

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: “Former Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell said he believed Clinton’s gender played a role in her defeat. He noted the three male Democrats seeking statewide office – for treasurer, attorney general, and auditor general – all won Tuesday while Clinton and McGinty failed.

” ‘I don’t think that’s an accident,’ he said. ‘I think women in Pennsylvania have a tough row to hoe.’”  …  (more)

NEWSLANC EDITOR:  “Glass ceiling” balderdash.

When Rendell reneged on his promise of support to Joe Sestak and, conspiring with Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, backed the candidacy of the far less qualified Katie McGinty and then diverted millions of general election funding to spread lies about Sestak during the last week of the primary campaign, Rendell enabled Pat Toomey to be re-elected.

Shame on Rendell. Shame on Schumer who was responsible to get Democrats elected to the Senate.  Shame on Pennsylvania Democrats for being hoodwinked.



