LETTER: 389 suicides and rising over election results

I read an article today which stated that 389 Americans have already committed suicide since the announcement of Trump’s presidency in fear for their lives and the country’s future. The first comment I saw read: “wow natural selection is back too? this has to be a dream…” I couldn’t read any more.

I honestly have no words to describe how disappointed I am with our nation, and with the racist, sexist, ignorant, hateful attitudes that have been brought out as a result. This election wasn’t just about the politics, but about the treatment of women, the LGBTQ community, and minority groups all over the nation- groups that are now living in fear. Last night, America decided that hate was more appealing than tolerance, and I’m don’t know how I’ll be able to explain this to future generations some day.


NEWSLANC EDITOR:  We share the twin horrors of people committing suicide over the election and others rejoicing at their misfortune.

Donald Trump was a New York Democrat for decades.   Even at the inception of the primary campaign he was taking a number of positions contrary to Republican strictures.

He is a salesman and sensed what a disaffected portion of the nation wanted to hear. He also got very lucky.   So now he finds himself as President, something for which he likely has given little thought and made scant preparation.

We are told from one who has represented him that he is very bright and an extremely quick learner.  This isn’t “W”.

Joe Scarborough says Trump is constantly on the phone with a variety of people, so he will be exposed to many views. He is a “social animal.”

Our point:  We need to give President Elect Trump time to catch up.  Hopefully he will hold off making appointments for at least a few weeks.

For the time being we need to give him the benefit of the doubt and offer to help.  Then later we can judge him by what he actually does, not what he has said during the heat of his sordid campaign.


1 Comment

  1. US average is over 100 suicides a day. So, 4 days since election, suicide rate is down vs average? The high rate of suicides in the US is a real problem. Don’t blame it on Trump.

    NEWSLANC EDITOR: We received the letter two days before publication. Also the writer suggested these were suicides pertaining to the election.

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