Month: November 2010


A column by Rabbi Jack Paskoff entitled “Faithful followers subvert injustice” relates in part:

“The things you learn from reading the newspaper! Two weeks ago, in this very newspaper, I discovered that my congregation, along with many other local organizations, was on a government watch list. My first reaction, as you might imagine, was outrage.

Man’s best friend and the economic downturn

Editor’s note: The following NewsLanc article of 2008 is re-published at the request of a reader. A nation in financial free-fall has forced many Americans to make some very heartbreaking decisions, including whether to give up the family dog. For these people, a job layoff or foreclosed home has meant moving across state lines, or […]

State Stores needs business management, not sale

A commendable Sunday News lead article “A last call for state stores?, Commonwealth needs cash to plug deficit.” This could be the year despite union, social objections” falls short because it quotes politicians and union representatives, but does not obtain opinions from experts in evaluating such transactions.


Bob Herbert in his column “Winning the Class War” says: “Recessions are for the little people, not for the corporate chiefs and the titans of Wall Street who are at the heart of the American aristocracy. They have waged economic warfare against everybody else and are winning big time..”… “The ranks of the poor may […]

While we worry about US owning some of GM and Citibank

From “When China Rules the World” by Martin Jacques:

“…the Chinese state has always enjoyed a pivotal role in the economy and been universally accepted as the guardian and embodiment of society… the top 150 state-owned firms, far from being lame ducks, have instead become enormously profitable, the aggregate total of their profits $150 billion in 2007. ..The Chinese government has…exposed them to the fiercest competition both amongst themselves and with foreign firms.

Members of LGH’s Board of Trustees

NewsLanc is appreciative of the good medical care usually provided by Lancaster General Hospital and is especially grateful to those who volunteer their services, from the receptionists to the trustees. We take issue only with the small amount of contributions from its average $100 million annual profits that public charity LGH shares with underfunded non-profits […]

Keep ’em covered: Bolstering adultBasic must be a priority in 2011

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE:  There are 464,000 Pennsylvanians on the waiting list for adultBasic low-cost health insurance, so the 43,000 people enrolled have been the lucky ones. Their luck will run out in February unless there’s some quick action to bolster funding for the popular program. Most of adultBasic’s funding comes from voluntary contributions by the state’s […]


Article “San Diego Drug Tunnel Had Railcar, Tons of Pot” reports: “ A sophisticated cross-border tunnel equipped with a rail system, ventilation and fluorescent lighting has been shut down by U.S. and Mexican officials – the second discovery of a major underground drug passage in San Diego this month, authorities said Friday.

Table games a winning strategy for CU-DCCC deal

DAILY TIMES:  ….While for more than a year Harrah’s has been doing battle with declining revenues from its slots operation, table games arrived in Chester with a bang. Numbers from the state Gaming Control Board released this week show Harrah’s as the No. 1 casino in the state for revenue from table games in October. […]

Fire victim with 8 kids needs a house to rent

A letter writer reports : “My virtual friend …along with her 8 kids and husband, had their house burn down yesterday.  They are in immediate need of a home to rent until theirs is rebuilt.  They currently live in Millersville and but have kids going to LMH in terms of ideal location.  If you would […]

Sarah Palin’s Presidential Strategy, and the Economy  …According to the right-wing narrative, the calamity that’s befallen the white working class is due to the global and intellectual elites who run the mainstream media, direct the government, dispense benefits to the undeserving, and dominate popular culture. (The story and targets are not substantially different from those that have fueled right-wing and fascist […]

Palin Draws Fire with North Korea Gaffe

NEWSMAX:   Sarah Palin is drawing criticism from around the world after declaring that the United States has to stand with “our North Korean allies.” Palin’s gaffe, made Wednesday during an interview on Glenn Beck’s syndicated radio show, was quickly corrected by her host. But it drew immediate fire from liberal bloggers, who cited it as […]

Birth of a new global order

The following is excerpted from “When China Rules the World, The end of the Western World and the birth of a new global order” by Martin Jacques (Pgs. 144 / 145): “There is a deeply embedded sense of Western psychological superiority which draws on powerful economic, political, ideological, cultural and ethnic currents.


Unstoppable is a 100 million dollar B movie. Its plot line, and every digression from the device that drives it, a runaway freight train loaded with hazardous chemicals, feels like it was cribbed from an undergraduate screenwriting text. There isn’t a single beat that isn’t telegraphed from miles down the track. And still, the movie is exciting.