Bob Herbert in his column “Winning the Class War” says:

“Recessions are for the little people, not for the corporate chiefs and the titans of Wall Street who are at the heart of the American aristocracy. They have waged economic warfare against everybody else and are winning big time..”…

“The ranks of the poor may be swelling and families forced out of their foreclosed homes may be enduring a nightmarish holiday season, but American companies have just experienced their most profitable quarter ever.  As The Times reported this week, U.S. firms earned profits at an annual rate of $1.659 trillion in the third quarter — the highest total since the government began keeping track more than six decades ago

WATCHDOG: A sense of “class warfare” is exactly what is missing from our country.  Instead, voters are  manipulated by their ignorance adn prejudices, somehow fantasizing that they need to protect the rich and the super rich despite the deterioration of their own financial position and way of life.

When people begin voting in their actual interests rather than what they expire to be, our country will once again find the road to prosperity…as we did in the period following the Second World War.

Updated: November 28, 2010 — 12:12 am