Tag: Watchdog


In “County recalls the end of Prohibition”, the Intelligencer Journal / New Era recalls “It was Prohibition, a 13-year experiment in regulating the nation’s morals, which ended 75 years ago Friday, leaving a legacy of violence and bloodshed.” WATCHDOG: It is an informative and fun look at Lancaster’s past that merits reading. Today a large […]


As reported in the Dec. 4th edition and on radio and TV, Jim Press, Vice Chair of Chrysler, proclaimed yesterday: “We’re on the brink with the U.S. auto manufacturing industry…If we have a catastrophic failure of one of these car companies, in this tender environment for the economy, it’s a huge blow. It could trigger […]


In his “Bird’s-Eye View” column headed “Gray not about to tip his hand on candidacy”, Dave Pidgeon opines “No rival, either Democrat or Republican (and is there such a thing these days as a city Republican capable of running a successful campaign?), has yet to emerge. However, if there are rancorous public hearings related to […]


The Nov. 30th front page headlines two extensive articles: “A Hole in our Net” describing “the closing of one emergency shelter next year could leave more people on the streets” and “Where offenders plead…and cry” which, along with a second article, describes the workings of the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program. WATCHDOG: Both articles, the […]


A Nov. 24 article was headed “Will open-meetings law ever be revived?” and goes on to say “The state House adjourned for the year Wednesday without taking action on Senate Bill 467. The bill would have increased fines to pen meetings, violations from $100 to $1,000.” It then quoted retiring Sen. Gibson Armstrong as saying […]


The main “Letters to Editor” section was devoted to letters on Gay Marriage and The Election. The only two letters dealing with a matter of pressing local public policy and providing news worthy information were buried under F&M Plans towards the end of the Letters on the back page. (Worse yet, on our copy they […]


Its editorial “A better option for auto industry” of Nov. 18 opines: “There is an alternative for the automakers, but it’s not found in the halls of congress: reorganization under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code.” WATCHDOG: We couldn’t agree more! We are sickened by lobbyists and legislators touting for the automakers by exclaiming that […]


On Nov. 17, the first of a series appeared entitled “Investigative series: A pattern of prison abuse?” concerning a history of incidents of alleged prisoner abuse at the County Prison. WATCHDOG: NewsLanc broke the story the prior Thursday with “County Warden sued in Federal Court for inmate abuse” and was preparing its own investigation of […]


In “Rail-yard move will benefit all” by Ronald T. Bailey, the author introduces himself “as a member of the board of directors of the Hourglass Foundation” and concludes “This project improves transportation and will be a catalyst for revitalization. Done properly, it will benefit all Lancastrians.” WATCHDOG: Is Bailey speaking on behalf of himself or […]


The Nov. 10 editorial “Precautionary steps” discusses how Gov. Ed Rendell during his terms in office “increased funding for education, infrastructure and a host of other projects.” It relates how the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities recently “offered a stark outlook on the economy.” It then praises Rendell for cutting back state spending and […]


On Nov. 7, columnist Jeff Hawkes reports “Half of all Latino students at McCaskey High School drop out.” WATCHDOG: Considering that approximately 60% of the population at McCaskey is Latino, this is both terrifying and unacceptable. We are grateful to Hawkes for spotlighting this disgrace and also for praising the efforts of parent Frances Rodriguez. […]


In “Library says no to quick fixes”, the Intell reports: “The Board of Trustees of the Lancaster Public Library, by a 6-to -2 vote Tuesday, opted to forgo a quick renovation of the aging facility by the end of 2009, hoping to undertake a more comprehensive upgrade at some future date.” WATCHDOG: The report was […]


10/19/08: “More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes. WINFIELD, W.Va. — Three Putnam County voters say electronic voting machines changed their votes from Democrats to Republicans when they cast early ballots last week. This is the second West Virginia county where voters have reported this problem. Last week, three voters in Jackson County told […]