The main “Letters to Editor” section was devoted to letters on Gay Marriage and The Election. The only two letters dealing with a matter of pressing local public policy and providing news worthy information were buried under F&M Plans towards the end of the Letters on the back page. (Worse yet, on our copy they were covered with blue ink which ran off from a “Flu Vaccines” ad making them almost unreadable.)

WATCHDOG: Last week, the Perspective section lead with an arguably duplicitous letter in support of F&M: (1)It implies Hour Glass backing, (2)it fails to disclose that the writer has been or is employed by a subsidiary of F&M, and (3) it presents a ‘straw man’ argument rather than dealing with real railroad yard relocation issues. Therefore, letters in response deserve prominent treatment.

Furthermore, when Marv Adams acknowledged to NewsLanc that he had failed to remember and mention the writers connection with F&M, he should have made use of his weekly column to so advise Sunday News readers.

Updated: May 8, 2009 — 11:48 am