Tag: featured

How political strategy changed over four decades

“There were three types of voters, he theorized: Committeds, Undecideds, and Indifferents. The first step to victory was identifying the Indifferents – ‘those who don’t vote all, or vote only in response to an emotional appeal, or as a result of some carefully planned campaign technique which makes it easy for them to reach a decision.’ Indifferents were the kind of suckers another master of persuasion said were born every minute.”

Democrats push to gain state Senate majority

Republicans have the Senate majority with 27 senators to the Democrats 23. They’ve had the majority since 1980 for all but 16 months — November 1992 to March 1994 — when former local Sen. Robert J. Mellow, a Democrat, was Senate president pro tempore. Democrats hope to reach at least a 25-25 tie.

Penn State administrators, faculty call for civility in wake of Sandusky scandal

“There are honest disagreements on fundamental issues related to whether our institution acted appropriately, how our institution handled a crisis, and whether the sanctions that resulted are appropriate,” it said. “Reasonable people can be found on all sides of these issues. The reasons for this disagreement are clear. Much is still left to interpretation and the issues have considerable emotional significance to us all. We are likely never to have the full story. We are equally likely never to reach consensus.”…

Hoping PA right-to-know request has a ghost of a chance

Perhaps my right-to-know request can be summed up by asking, “Who you gonna call?” If the department won’t respond to my questions, where can I get answers? If the work was done, show us the work. If the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the governor will stop their stonewalling, perhaps we can see reality and not just ghostly apparitions

RMU poll has Wolf with 31-point lead

That poll drew the ire of Corbett’s campaign manager, Mike Barley, who launched a Twitter barrage against respected F&M pollster G. Terry Madonna, calling the results a “junk poll.” In turn, Democrats mocked Barley for attacking the proverbial messenger as Corbett has trailed Wolf in virtually every poll following the primary…