Tag: featured

Capitolwire: Special counsel says Eakin’s emails don’t rise to level of instant Supreme Court action.

“At the very least, submission of this issue to the Judicial Conduct Board should serve as an admonition that jurists should not send or be part of networks that regularly exchange insensitive emails or similar materials because such conduct could cast both the jurist and the judiciary into disrepute or could cause a reasonable person to question the impartiality of a judge and the judicial system,” the report states.

Bernie Sanders: “The time is long overdue for us to remove the federal prohibition on marijuana”

Right now, marijuana is listed by the federal government as a Schedule One drug, meaning that it is considered to be as dangerous as heroin. That is absurd. In my view, the time is long overdue for us to remove the federal prohibition on marijuana. In my view, states should have the right to regulate marijuana the same way that state and local laws now govern the sale of alcohol and tobacco. And among other things, that means that recognized businesses in states that have legalized marijuana should be fully able to use the banking system without fear of federal prosecution.

U. S. ambassador to Hungary speech tells it as it is

US ambassador to Hungary Colleen BellCorruption stalls growth, stifles investment, denies people their dignity, and undermines national security. Corruption in Hungary is a serious concern – quite clearly a top concern of average Hungarians, as I have heard, and as public polls consistently show. Wherever systemic corruption has effectively undermined fair governance, it creates an environment ripe for civil unrest, resistance to the government, and even violent extremism.

New Gallup Poll Has Support for Marijuana Legalization at 58%

Despite public support for legalization and despite legalization already being the law in four states and the nation’s capital, marijuana arrests remain near all-time highs. In 2014 there were 700,993 arrests for marijuana in the United States, nearly nine out of ten of them for simple possession. Black and brown people continue to be arrested for pot offenses at a disproportionate rate.

4 Dead After Being Infected by a Device in Surgery at WellSpan York Hospital

WellSpan York Hospital said Monday it was notifying about 1,300 current and former patients of possible exposure to potentially harmful bacteria during open-heart surgeries performed over nearly four years, from Oct. 1, 2011, to July 24, 2015. The hospital said the infection had been identified in less than 1 percent of patients who had open-heart surgery during the period.