Tag: featured

Morning Joe panders to sponsor Starbucks

It was with a sense of shock and disgust that the Watchdog watched a full fifteen-minute segment, uninterrupted by commercials, of an interview at 8:00 AM by MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” of Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, the program’s chief sponsor.

Although probably meaning well, Shultz spoke inanities having recently demanded a reduction in deficit spending and today endorsing stimulus and a broader social network. Which would he have?

No one enjoys bailing out banks

The Austrian School [of Economics] is far outside the mainstream and has nothing intelligent to say about modern economies. The financial bailouts were regrettable but anyone with a clue knows that they were absolutely necessary. Banks are not hardware shops.

Hackers shake Web to the core

From USA TODAY: The keepers of the Internet have become acutely concerned about the Web’s core trustworthiness. Hackers cracked three companies that work with the most popular Web browsers to ensure the authenticity of Web pages where consumers type in sensitive information, such as account logons, credit card numbers and personal data.


So…are you suggesting that the best way for this country to find sound fiscal footing is for the government to spend, spend, spend??? I’m reminded of the closing line in the classic movie ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’………………… “Madness”!!!!!!

Is the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act costing USA jobs?

The Watchdog accompanied his wife to her class reunion of Harvard Business School alumni and, after two days of reticence, found himself over dinner once again immersed in controversy.

He was sitting near two business leaders, one who works with a company involved in mineral extraction and the other the CEO and principle stock holder in one of our nation’s foremost exporters in his field.

“That Used To Be Us” is a disconnect with reality

While working out this morning, I watched as either Joe Scarborough or Harold Ford, Jr. (I don’t recall which) lampooned the notion that Rick Perry was responsible for the job growth in Texas. The speaker credited Texas’ rich resources and ample supply of cheap labor due to the influx (some illegal) of migrants from Mexico and points south.