Why Divorced Men Are Quick To Marry Again

From the HUFF POST:

…For Emily V. Gordon, a therapist and Huffington Post blogger, it may because men don’t have the sort of support women do post-divorce:

“In my experience as a therapist and as a friend, it seems that the majority of the breakup resources available are for women and not men. Women, who tend to be more vocal about their emotional struggles, are the squeaky wheel that gets the grease from friends, from online communities, from books, and from therapeutic approaches. Women are encouraged to go on an emotional journey of self-care after a divorce, while men are expected to need help learning how to cook and parent on their own. When you Google “how men handle divorce,” many of the links advise women on what to do if their husbands become violent during the divorce process. Why is there so little focus on how men can heal after a divorce?

It’s a valid question, considering that divorced men have twice the risk of suicide than married men…

Click here to read the full article.



  1. Follow the money. Billions in federal and state funds, matched by billions in donations and corporate funds.

    One example on just how ridiculous it is. United way money (much contributed by men) is used to falsely accuse men of abuse through DVLC, CAP, Mid Penn legal, YWCA, etc.

    All the well intentioned doo-gooders conjoin with your donations and tax dollars to beset upon men whenever a woman sicks them.

  2. For Emily V. Gordon, a therapist and Huffington Post blogger, it may because men don’t have the sort of support women do post-divorce

    I call bullsh*t. My best friend went through a divorce- in the stages of trying to save their marriage, they went to their pastor. The pastor spent more time with her future ex-husband, trying to support him and “fix” his problem. Never once did anyone see how she was doing. When it became apparent the marriage could not be saved, she never heard a thing from them again. And she was the wronged party because he was the one that had an affair.

    Individuals will often have the support of their individual families and friends, but that’s not always true either. People who you thought were your friends suddenly have better things to do than help a person through the hardship of divorce. Even in their own families, if a marriage falls apart, regardless of if the other party was not “at fault”, some family members will blame that person for not putting forth enough effort. Instead of supporting them, they condemn them.

    Women are just as likely to marry quickly after divorce. Many times you have to consider the circumstances of said divorce. Did an affair break up the marriage? If the spouse, male OR female, quickly marries after divorce, you may want to consider that the reason for the divorce is the sudden, new spouse. Otherwise, it may be important to define what people consider quick.

    Society’s expectations of how men are *supposed* to handle things differ from society’s expectations of how women are *supposed* to handle things. Is society’s views wrong? Yes, I do believe so. Women and men, both, need emotional and mental support after facing something as devastating as a divorce. No matter how you look at it, or how the divorce came about, it’s still something that needs to be dealt with.

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