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In “Time for a debt jubilee?”, Associate Editor Gil Smart writes: “…Some suggest an end run around this mess. Kain quotes Stephen Roach, economist and senior executive with Morgan Stanley, who in August said a debt jubilee — essentially, the cancellation of consumer debt — would help Americans get through “the pain of deleveraging sooner rather than later.”

Intelligencer Journal New Era

Article “Anger building over Lancaster city project, RRTA terminates construction contract; builder responds with court filing” reports: “RRTA owes Perrotto $1.3 million for work done as far back as June. The agency’s withholding of payment has prevented Perrotto from paying subcontractors, who have since stopped coming to work at the North Queen/East Chestnut streets construction site.”

Time Poll: Hillary Defeats GOP Contenders

From NEWSMAX: Hillary Rodham Clinton is emerging as the most formidable non-candidate candidate heading into the 2012 presidential election. A new Time magazine poll shows Clinton easily defeating the major Republican candidates, were she somehow to become the 2012 Democratic nominee for president, according to USA Today.


An editorial “Poor marks for Obama 1,000 days” would have us believe: “A $787 billion stimulus that he said would save or create 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010. Didn’t happen. The nation’s jobless rate is stuck at 9-plus percent. “Health care reform that would cover 30 million currently uninsured Americans while reducing health care costs.

Cost for Pa. 4-year public universities 3rd in nation

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: The cost of attending college in Pennsylvania grew slightly less than the national average this year, but the cost of going to a four-year public university in the state is now the third-highest in the nation, according to the report released today by the College Board.

The average cost of tuition and fees at a public four-year college in Pennsylvania grew by 7 percent, from $11,331 last fall to $12,079 this fall, the College Board said. That’s an average increase of $748.

Interview of Kevin Zeese from D. C.’s Occupy movement plus…

An informative interview with NewsLanc contributor Kevin Zeese is followed by excerpts of street activism in Washington, D. C. It culminates with extemporaneous comments by Richard Trumpka, president of the AFL / CIO. We highly recommend the first half of the 17 minute video in which Zeese succinctly explains the history, aspirations and describes the living conditions for participants of the Occupy movement.

Unpaid Pa. firms resort to loans, layoffs

From the PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW: Dozens of Pennsylvania firms hired to care for foster children, juvenile delinquents and other needy children are resorting to layoffs and short-term loans because some counties have not paid them in months… [Craig] Adamson is executive director of the Community Service Foundation & Buxmont Academy in Bucks County, which he said has closed foster homes and schools.


A lead news article entitled “Shopping Center vacancies low here” and subtitled “Below national averages. Perhaps county was ‘understored'” reports: Earlier this month the real estate company Reis Inc. announced that vacancy rates at shopping malls and strip centers nationwide were at historic