Tag: featured

How Doctors Could Rescue Health Care

From THE NEW YORK REVIEW: The US is facing a major crisis in the cost of health care. Corrected for inflation, health expenditures in the public sector are nearly doubling each decade, and those in the private sector are increasing even more rapidly. According to virtually all economists, this financial burden, which is now consuming about 17 percent of our entire economic output (far more than in any other country), cannot be sustained much longer.

The Police Are Part of the 99%

From the beginning Occupy Washington, DC has treated police with respect. We know they and their families suffer the same problems as the 99%. Their finances are not secure, their health care and pensions are under attack, paying for their child’s education is a challenge; all the stresses Americans face, they face.

LETTER: Attack on dissent?

Very concerned with the 61-37 vote in the senate yesterday to allow domestic use of the military and very broad language that would allow indefinite military detention of Americans based on mere suspicion of terroism. Some of the young people in our camp are losing hope.

Sandusky Accuser to Testify

From the WALL STREET JOURNAL: An attorney representing a boy who accused former Pennsylvania State University football coach Jerry Sandusky of sexual abuse said his client and other alleged victims planned to testify at a hearing in two weeks, marking the first time they would publicly confront Mr. Sandusky.

Balanced budget amendment push sparks debate

From USA TODAY: Some supporters of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution are turning to a method last used by the founding fathers: A constitutional convention. And they’re already halfway to their goal. At least 17 of the 34 states necessary have petitioned Congress for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment.