Balanced budget amendment push sparks debate


Some supporters of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution are turning to a method last used by the founding fathers: A constitutional convention.

And they’re already halfway to their goal. At least 17 of the 34 states necessary have petitioned Congress for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment. States that have done it this year include Alabama, Louisiana, North Dakota, Texas and Utah.

One scholar, looking at resolutions dating back over two centuries, puts the number at 33 states — just one short…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Interesting.   At the same time liberals are beginning to push for a Constitutional Convention to rein in and control campaign financing.  Might the forces combine to call a Convention?    Some scholars maintain that once convoked, the Convention would be free to address any and all subjects.  Nevertheless, the recommendations must be ratified by three-quartes of the states.  The time may be near.


1 Comment

  1. It would be a shame if this occurred around something so dumb as a balanced budget amendment — what idiocy. We have real issues to deal with, not this nonsense.

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