Tag: featured

LETTER: Reasons for cancelling men’s track making less and less sense

[Millersville University] can’t touch the women’s program because of Title IX. But as for the latter part of your third question: We all feel like we’re missing something. We can’t figure out why they’ve cut one of the cheapest and most cost-effective sports. At Millersville, the Men’s and Women’s teams travel together-1 Bus, 1 Cost, train with the same facilities and primarily the same equipment, and fundraise for most of their expenses.


Prominent article on Front Page: “Bitterman’s sentencing for tax evasion delayed. Defense makes motion for acquittal, claims evidence withheld by prosecution.”

Lead article in Lancaster Section: “Guess who’s hobnobbing at the White House, Local teachers are first couple’s guest at state dinner for British prime minister.”

J. P. McCaskey mock trial team wins regional championship

Championship teams don’t just come together in a year, especially when it comes to mock trial contests, one of the foremost academic endeavors provided by high schools throughout the country. It requires years of efforts, of a coach learning his trade, of senior team members recruiting freshmen and sophomores and helping them to learn, of intensive and critical study of the evidence, of hours upon hours upon hours each week of meetings, discussions, sometimes arguments,and learning to work together.

Penn State implements ex-FBI boss’ recommendations

USA TODAY: …The steps outlined to university trustees Friday by school President Rodney Erickson focused on areas such as the prompt reporting of allegations and a new compliance offer. They were initially put forward by [former FBI director Louis Freeh], who’s heading the trustees’ internal investigation into a child sex abuse scandal involving former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky.

The details came amid what proved to be another busy legal day in the case against Sandusky. The school’s lawyer said that a number of Penn State employees had received subpoenas from the state attorney general’s office, while Sandusky’s lawyer told a judge he needs psychological reports, juvenile arrest records and other documents about his client’s accusers to prepare for trial….

LETTER: We don’t need another ‘war president’

Yesterday we learned that our President, like the one before him, wants to be “a war president” especially in an election year. So he, and we, will “carry on with the mission”. That mission is to remain there until we are assurred that the Afghans can protect themselves from themselves, and that they will give us permanent bases to protect ourselves from the Iranians and thus insure a free flow of oil without which we would be reduced to poverty and destruction along with Israel and all of Western civililization.


“Although Santorum won a substantial victory in Alabama and edged Gingrich and Romney in Mississippi, he effectively split the conservative vote with Gingrich. This despite the fact that he won the evangelical vote — which was expected — and the female and under-30 vote — which was not.”…

Part II Infiltration of Political Movements is the Norm, Not the Exception in the United States

…In Part I of this series, Infiltration to Disrupt, Divide and Mis-direct are Widespread in Occupy, we described reports of widespread infiltration of the Occupy. In this article we will describe the history of infiltration of political movements in the United States and the goals of infiltration. Part III of this series will describe behavior of infiltrators, how other movements have countered infiltrators and what Occupy can do to minimize the damage from infiltrators.

‘Pink Slime’ Will Be a Choice for Schools

ABC News has the learned that on Thursday the U.S. Department of Agriculture will announce that starting this fall, schools will be able to choose whether or not they buy hamburger that contains lean finely textured beef known as ” pink slime.” The announcement comes one week after ABC News reported on the beef filler commonly known as “pink slime,” which is found in 70 percent of the ground beef sold at supermarkets.

Angel Raich, Cancer Patient, Kicked Out Of Hospital For Using Medical Marijuana

HUFFINGTON POST: …Details are scant, but it appears Raich was at UCSF for tests and was using marijuana via a vaporizer at the Parnassus campus when someone — a doctor or a pharmacist — took offense, and told Raich that they’d “call the Feds” unless she stopped using marijuana.

“The pharmacist said, you can’t use cannabis in this hospital,” Raich told the television station. “That’s a death sentence.”

Ohio bill targets Viagra users

From the DAYTON DAILY NEWS: Before getting a prescription for Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs, men would have to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency, if state Sen. Nina Turner has her way…