Tag: featured

Harrisburg’s eye-popping debt total is just one piece of city’s bleak financial puzzle

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: Missing financial audits, complicated transactions and intertwining finances create a labyrinth of money that stretches decades into Harrisburg’s history. At best estimates, based upon reviews of independent reports and audited financial statements, the amount of debt owed by the city and its affiliated entities — with interest — stands somewhere north of $1.5 billion.

Castro Knew of Oswald, JFK Shooting

From NEWSMAX: …On Nov. 22, 1963, the day of the assassination, he was ordered to stop all CIA tracking efforts and redirect his antennas away from Miami and direct them toward Texas… Cuban intelligence officers “exhorted Oswald” and “encouraged his feral militance,” he writes, “but it was his (Oswald’s) plan and his rifle, not theirs.”

Lancaster native decries neo-nazi Hungarian Party

The battle for the hearts and minds of Hungarians took a bizarre turn last week when, in apparent retaliation for the despoliation of a wooden statue erected to Admiral Miklós Horthy who served as head of state between 1919 and 1944, unknown assailants hung pigs’ feet on the bronze statue of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat credited with saving the lives of some 100,000 Hungarian Jews in the final years of the Second World War.

Shale gas boom helps slash US emissions

From the FINANCIAL TIMES: The shale gas boom in the US has led to a big drop in its carbon emissions, as power generators switch from coal to cheap gas. According to the International Energy Agency, US energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, fell by 450m tonnes over the past five years…


Editorial “Dissent a form of patriotism” relates: “The Fayette County school district had been enforcing a rule that all students must stand for the pledge. Those who didn’t were subject to disciplinary action….