LETTER: No exception. The Convention Center has failed.

[In response to “Surprise, surprise…convention center actually doing quite well except…”]

The reality here is that there is no “EXCEPT” that applies. The CC project is paid for by hotel taxes. The CC project is supposed to generate hotel rooms. The CC DOES NOT and is therefore a failure in its primary mission.

Not only doesn’t this project add any significant rooms to the marketplace, the 300 room, taxpayer-financed, private hotel takes away 3 times more rooms then the center adds. In other words, the CC would have to triple its output of overflow of rooms simply to have a break-even effect on the local hotel industry.

This topic is front and center because the LCCCA, as a result of the lopsided agreements with PSP, and many other factors, cannot pay its bills. But even if those agreements were actually fair, and all the other shortcomings from the electric meters/transformers and this and that all fell into alignment, the CC project would NOT be adding any significant number of hotel rooms to the marketplace and that is what makes it a failure… NO EXCEPTIONS!


1 Comment

  1. I agree.

    If this ever were to be a profitable project,why didn’t the private profit driven people build it on their own and take ownership of such an adventure.

    But it isn’t,and the only way it could be built was at the expense of the tax payer.

    I propose an investigation of PSP and all steps from conception to constuction.
    And then sue.

    To tax your competitors to build competition is not free market capitalism.

    The business people that make up PSP would balk, if they had to pay to build their competition.

    Also for a GOVERMENT owned and back establishment,where are the GOVERMENT jobs.
    No,none,the operation has been subbed out to a management company that IS profit driven,and lower pay.

    An investigation followed by,and I’m sure lawsuits ,and sell it.

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