Tag: featured

Senate Commitee Clears Way for Medical Marijuana for Veterans

“While we won five votes in a row on the House floor last year, this is the first time we’ve ever won a vote on a positive marijuana reform measure in the Senate,” said Tom Angell, director of Marijuana Majority. “And with polls showing that a growing majority of voters supports ending prohibition, it’s safe to say it won’t be the last”

H.I.V. Treatment Should Start at Diagnosis, U.S. Health Officials Say

Exchanges in Reading, Lancaster and Harrisburg help to identify those with HIV. Their efforts not only help save client lives but also diminishes the secondary spread of AIDS through sexual contact. Exchanges in Reading, Lancaster and Harrisburg help to identify those with HIV. Their efforts not only help save client lives but also diminishes the secondary spread of AIDS through sexual contact.

The proper ways to commemorate Memorial Day

But all too often, and especially recently, they have been sent to their deaths for foolish wars urged by ignorant leaders (read that ‘damn fools’), those who see every foreign problem as a nail and the blood of youth as a hammer, and at the urging and conniving of the military / industrial complex as we were warned against by President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Feminists want us to define these ugly sexual encounters as rape. Don’t let them.

It is time to rethink this crusade, which criminalizes bad or uncomfortable sex, thereby trivializing actual sexual violence… In college communities, young people who feel wronged in sexual situations that stem from misunderstanding, pressure or insensitivity could be offered support without being treated as “rape survivors”; remedies might include mediation or joint counseling, clearly inappropriate in cases of sexual assault. Sexual ethics based on honesty, respect and communication can be discussed without turning every lapse into a crime…