Tag: featured

Actor Charles Durning, RIP

In the Parade interview, he recalled the hand-to-hand combat. “I was crossing a field somewhere in Belgium,” he said. “A German soldier ran toward me carrying a bayonet. He couldn’t have been more than 14 or 15. I didn’t see a soldier. I saw a boy. Even though he was coming at me, I couldn’t shoot.”

They grappled, he recounted later — he was stabbed seven or eight times — until finally he grasped a rock and made it a weapon. After killing the youth, he said, he held him in his arms and wept…

Ron Paul rips NRA plan for officers in every school

“Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, metal detectors, X-ray scanners and warrantless physical searches? We see this culture in our airports: witness the shabby spectacle of once proud, happy Americans shuffling through long lines while uniformed TSA agents bark orders. This is the world of government provided ‘security,’ a world far too many Americans now seem to accept or even endorse,” Paul said…

Boehner in Hot Seat as Move to Replace Him Gains Momentum

Several House Republicans are considering a plan to unseat Boehner, Breitbart reported Friday, and have compiled a detailed plan to accomplish that goal when the speaker of the 113th House is elected on Jan. 3. The representatives, who were not identified because they feared retaliation against them, say they want to elect the next speaker by secret ballot, rather than by roll call…


“One former employee sent us a November 2007 article from a Nashville newspaper reporting that LGH President and CEO Tom Beeman got $2.33 million in pay, deferred pay and benefits when he left his previous CEO post at St. Thomas Health Services in Nashville in 2005.

Speaker Boehner in Hot Seat as Move to Replace Him Gains Momentum

Several House Republicans are considering a plan to unseat Boehner, Breitbart reported Friday, and have compiled a detailed plan to accomplish that goal when the speaker of the 113th House is elected on Jan. 3. The representatives, who were not identified because they feared retaliation against them, say they want to elect the next speaker by secret ballot, rather than by roll call…


“Whether it’s a governing board or government council, State College or Lancaster, the same specious argument is made for those who spend other people’s money: High-paid leaders get high pay, and taxpayers get hosed.”