Newsweek’s Final Cover Bids Adieu to Print With a Hashtag

NEWSMAX:  …“At its best, Newsweek has always been about ‘the team game’: a bygone form of group journalism that’s less concerned with big-name bylines than with big, cooperative storytelling; a collective endeavor that aspires to serve the readers, not the egos of the journalists they’re paying to read,” Newsweek writer Andrew Romano wrote in a lengthy, 9-page eulogy, collecting memories a slew of former staffers throughout the years.

Newsweek announced in October that it planned to shutter its print publication, merging the magazine with editor Tina Brown’s online network, the Daily Beast.

In 2013, Newsweek Global will now become a separate online-only venture, a “single, worldwide edition targeted for a highly mobile, opinion-leading audience who want to learn about world events in a sophisticated context,” according to a post published months ago…  (more)

EDITOR: Nothing is forever.  There are those very few print publishers  who understand the business has gone the way of buggy whips.  Those who have journalism in their blood, will embrace and learn how to succeed on the Internet regardless that profits will never be as before.

Those who are in publishing  simply as a profitable business may make only token efforts to evolving, and as such are doomed to extinction.
