Tag: featured

Deep spending cuts are likely, lawmakers say, with no deal on sequester in sight

Adding to the sense of inevitability is the belief that the cuts, known as the sequester, would improve the government’s bottom line without devastating the broader economy. Though the cuts would hamper economic growth, especially in the Washington region, the forecast is far less dire than with other recent fiscal deadlines, and financial markets are not pressing Washington to act…

At mid-term, 51-31 against Corbett re-election, new Quinnipiac poll shows.

The poll, a snapshot of voter attitude toward Corbett at the middle of his first term, also finds Corbett receiving unenthusiastic support among Pennsylvania Republicans, with only 49 percent saying he deserves to be re-elected. Pennsylvania voters also gave Corbett a poor job approval rating, as 42 percent disapprove of his handling of the job, while 36 percent approve – a slide from November when the Quinnipiac Poll showed 38 percent disapproved and 40 percent approved.

CC Chapter Five Revised: The Hotel Room Taxes

Lancaster Mayor Charlie Smithgall had no doubt which way the Lancaster County Commissioners were going to vote on establishing a hotel room tax and a convention center authority. Three weeks before the September 15th vote, during a Lancaster City Council meeting, Mayor Smithgall nominated three people to sit on the not-yet-formed, seven-member Lancaster County Convention Center Authority (LCCCA) board of directors.

Cooperatives and Community Work Are Part of American DNA

Curl’s area of expertise is very important for those of us seeking transformational change to a new, more equitable economy and participatory democracy. His book methodically and authoritatively traces the hidden history of cooperatives, cooperation and communalism in US history. He shows how these models of economic democracy were intertwined with many of the transformational changes the country has made…

If changing county form, go all the way: Consolidation

Rather than simply examining the structure of the county government, voters should move to examine the scope of all local government, stop wasting money and consolidate government operations. With between 200,000 and 210,000 people, Lackawanna County would be a midsize city. It needs one local government rather than more than 40. For true reform, it would make far more sense to build a new house than to rearrange the existing furniture…

When did current political civil war begin?

CONNECT THE DOTS: Historians may decide the real beginning of the nation’s political war against civility occurred in 2004. (Henceforth, that’s “Pee-WAC” for short.) Some would argue this assault against civility in our Democracy began in 2000 when George W. Bush got fewer votes nationally than Al Gore.


In “Reduce HIV by trading syringes with addicts?” Columnist Jeff Hawkes writes:

“Fighting the spread of HIV and other illnesses is Mikal Byrd’s job. A battered Nissan Maxima is his office. His supplies include syringes, tourniquets, bleach and condoms.