Tag: featured


Concerning the Jerry Sandusky pedophilia scandal, editorial “Kane’s fishing expedition” asserts: “It apparently makes little difference to Kane, a Democrat, that the prosecution was successful …”

Compounding pharmacies have been linked to deaths, illnesses and safety failures for years

WASHINGTON POST: …A Washington Post analysis found that state and federal authorities did little to systematically inspect and correct hazards posed by specialty pharmacies, which custom-mix medications for individual patients, hospitals and clinics. In the lightly regulated industry, pharmacies were rarely punished even when their mistakes had lethal consequences.

Postal Service vs. Congress

USA TODAY Editorial: …The plan to end Saturday delivery in August, announced Wednesday, would cut costs by $2 billion a year. (Package delivery, which is thriving, would continue six days a week.) This is one of many steps postal officials have been begging Congress for years to allow them to take to stop the service from hemorrhaging money.

Anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

February 2, 2013 is the 70th Anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad. This was over the 5 months major and decisive battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd). It is among the bloodiest battles in history, with the estimates of combined casualties amounting to nearly two million.

Tom Corbett’s Misguided Yet Worthwhile Lawsuit Against the NCAA

BLOOMBERG: …Yet when you strip away the misguided political motivations, the suit contains, at its core, an important and persuasive argument: The NCAA exists, by its own definition, to advance the cause of “fair competition” among its members, while promoting the ideal of the so-called student-athlete. It has the authority to discipline schools that act in violation of those goals. Period.

What’s new with the War on Drugs

In the 1980s and 1990s, the US government would not allow use of the phrase “harm reduction” in grant proposals or research papers. In 2012, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Gil Kerlikowske, addressed (via video) the Harm Reduction Coalition’s 9th National Conference, praising harm reduction.

Corbett’s welfare secretary leaving

Alexander’s department also faced sharp questions about children being dropped from Pennsylvania’s Medicaid rolls. Between August 2011 and January of last year, about 130,000 people – including 89,000 children – were dropped from Medicaid rolls, leading some advocacy groups to cry foul. The number was so high that the Obama administration stepped in, seeking detailed information to determine whether anyone had been wrongfully struck from the rolls…