Governor walks away from billions / Hundreds of thousands without health insurance

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial: Claiming that the new federal health care law doesn’t offer enough flexibility to states, Gov. Tom Corbett this week said Pennsylvania will not participate in a key aspect of it…

For the first three years of the expansion, the federal government would cover 100 percent of the costs. From that point, it would cover 90 percent and the state government would cover the other 10 percent. It would be a great deal for the state government, transcending the “flexibility” issue raised by Mr. Corbett because it would relieve the state of the vast majority of costs.

The Corbett administration has estimated the state government’s total costs at $1 billion by the end of 2016, but other analysts have said it would be lower. The Urban Institute, for example, has estimated the state cost at $2 billion over 10 years…  (more)

EDITOR: Pennsylvanian tax payers will be paying for 90% of costs of services we will not be receiving.   In other words, we will be subsidizing health care for the rest of the nation.  Does that make any sense?

Also our health care insurance costs will be even greater to pay for the added burden on hospital for treating uninsured patients.
