Tag: featured

Elizabeth Warren strikes fear into Wall Street

“Most big corporations trade well above book value,” Warren said, referring to the measure of a company’s assets minus liabilities. “But many of the Wall Street banks right now are trading below book value. And I can only think of two reasons why that would be so. One would be because nobody believes that the banks’ books are honest, or the second would be that no one believes that the banks are really manageable.”…


Editorial “Pot-pushing in Pa. Legislature” poses excellent questions:

“In supporting outright legalization of pot, [State Rep. Daylin] Leach rolled out the time-worn economic argument for taking the drug in a way similar to alcohol, which would generate much-needed revenue for state coffers.


Article “Attorney General’s move on Pa. Lottery deal surprised some local lawmakers” states towards the end: “Camelot’s bid expires Saturday, which allows it to get back a $50 million security deposit. The money was supposed to be used to pay the Corbett administration’s consultants for their services during the contract process

Are editors of the Lancaster Newspapers latent racists?

It is a generational thing. Despite the remarkable progress in civil rights and racial harmony, persons who grew up in the 1940s and 1950s and into the 1960s are likely to have been influenced by racial stereotypes. Studies have shown that early attitudes become deeply rooted in one portion of the brain. It takes conscious effort from another portion to offset their influence.

J. P. McCaskey wins county mock trial crown

J. P. McCaskey, representing the defense, defeated Lancaster Catholic by a score of 6 – 0 yesterday evening with Magistrate Judge Bruce Roth presiding. McCaskey coach Kevin Webster observed that “I have to congratulate Lancaster Catholic as they obviously worked hard and the trial was closer than it might appear.”

Kane rightly ends ‘Florida loophole’

The absurdity of reciprocal recognition without common standards was brought into sharp focus in Philadelphia in 2010. Marqus Hill of Philadelphia, who had been denied a concealed carry permit in 2006 and lost his appeal in 2008, obtained one from Florida in 2009. Then, in 2010, he fired 13 shots into and killed a teenager who, Mr. Hill claimed, had broken into his car. He is serving an eight-to-20-year prison sentence…

Source: Gen. Allen may retire

But a source close to Allen says he feels as though he’s being pushed out — partly over the email scandal that Pentagon officials fear will never completely go away and partly because the other services are angling for one of their own to fill the coveted post as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Brussels…