Pope will have security, immunity by remaining in the Vatican

REUTERS: Benedict’s decision to live in the Vatican after he resigns will provide him with security and privacy. It will also offer legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources and legal experts say.

“His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless. He wouldn’t have his immunity, his prerogatives, his security, if he is anywhere else,” said one Vatican official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“It is absolutely necessary” that he stays in the Vatican, said the source, adding that Benedict should have a “dignified existence” in his remaining years…  (more)

EDITOR: The Internet yesterday buzzed with reports that a warrant was to be issued for the arrest of Pope Benedict for his failures as a cardinal and later as pope to report acts of pedophilia to the authorities.  Not coming from sources with whom we were familiar and considered reliable, we did not excerpt or link to them.

Now today comes a report from Reuters that implies that the Internet articles may have been credible.

The culture and priorities of past generations can seem unspeakable to the current generation… and they well may be.  But the current day generation’s  time for rejection will also come…perhaps for eating meat, for executing prisoners, for incarcerating drug users, or for waging wars.  Who can foresee?

Was Pope Benedict explanation upon announcement of his retirement more pertinent than perhaps perceived at the time and originally translated into English?
