Tag: featured

Corbett needs Democrat help to win second term

Tom Corbett needs help from seven Democrat state senators to even sniff at a second four-year governor’s term next year. Corbett claims he personally was not aware Republican State Senator Jane Orie should be investigated for using state workers for campaign purposes. His attorney general office, however, snubbed a claim of such conduct by one of the workers.

RNC Passes Unanimous Resolution Affirming GOP Is Still Against Gay Marriage

“[T]he Republican National Committee affirms its support for marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and as the optimum environment in which to raise healthy children for the future of America; and be it further resolved, the Republican National Committee implores the U. S. Supreme Court to uphold the sanctity of marriage in its rulings on California’s Proposition 8 and the Federal Defense of Marriage Act,” the resolution, first obtained by Chris Moody of Yahoo News, read.

Toomey’s support for background checks could be a game-changer

LEHIGH VALLEY EXPTRESS-TIMES Editorial: U. S. Sen. Pat Toomey seems willing to trade his “A” rating from the National Rifle Association for an expanded system of background checks for gun buyers. On Wednesday Toomey, R-Pa., joined with Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., in support of an amendment that breathed new life into a Senate attempt to extend background checks to gun shows and online sales, while stopping short of person-to-person private sales and a national gun registry.