Tag: featured

Evidence shows cognitive rest aids concussion recovery

In the study of 335 children and young adults, ages 8 to 23, those reporting the greatest levels of cognitive activity (including homework, playing video games, doing crossword puzzles, text messaging and online activities) after a concussion took the longest to fully recover from their symptoms — approximately 100 days on average, compared to approximately 20 to 50 days for patients reporting lesser levels of activity.

Find cure for Corbettcare

Rather than accepting the straightforward federal proposal, Mr. Corbett has concocted a complex hybrid that needlessly would funnel federal money through private insurers while contradicting the very purpose of the federal initiative.

Ruling on church official could favor ex-PSU administrators

“Certainly, the court’s opinion puts a big hole in the commonwealth’s case” against the ex-administrators, said Donna McClelland, a Pittsburgh trial lawyer and former deputy attorney general. She said the reversal for Monsignor William Lynn, 62, could weaken felony charges of child endangerment against Tim Curley, Gary Schultz and Graham Spanier, but not their related charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and failure to report.


Editorial “Be It Resolved” includes the following: “Speaking of Lancaster Square, here’s a resolution for city and county officials: To smash that concrete monstrosity, even if it means another hole in the ground. The “Soviet block” of Queen Street has been an eyesore for too long.