Tag: featured

A Disappointing Internet Decision

Verizon and other broadband providers have said they have no intention of blocking Internet traffic. But their commitment to an open Internet could change in the future. Ideally, Congress would pass a law prohibiting broadband companies from discriminating or blocking content, but that is unlikely to happen given industry opposition. That’s why it’s important for the commission to reclassify broadband as a telecommunications service…

Gates’ take on presidents: ‘Strangest’ to ‘courageous’

The problem, he says, was that military officials didn’t want to spend money on [WRAPs]. “They kept thinking the war was always going to end just around the corner, that the war was going to be short,” he said. “That was the original position going in, and even by 2007 they were still assuming that the war was winding down, and so they didn’t want to spend a lot of money on something that wouldn’t be needed for very long and would be surplus at the end of the war…

Our Stone Age brains

“There’s a compelling, beguiling showbiz mythology of the modern big city – the energy and the abundance, the proximity to culture and power, the streets that just might be paved with gold. We’ve seen it and we’ve loved it, on stage and on screen.

Dick Morris: Christie’s in a Trap

After all, the ironclad nature of Christie’s denial — his assertion that he knew nothing about it — will likely not stand up. A plot like this is not hatched among subordinates with the chief left in total ignorance. At the bottom of the pile of emails that will emerge may be one in which Christie emulates the famous request of King Henry II of England, who asked his aides about Thomas Becket: “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”