Tag: featured

Ukrainian premier submits resignation

The prime minister’s resignation would remove one of the figures most despised by the opposition and repeal of the anti-protest laws would remove a severe aggravating factor in the crisis. But they stop well short of opposition demands, which include Yanukovych’s resignation…

Folk singer Pete Seeger dies at age 94

But whatever you called him, Seeger influenced scores of other singers, including Springsteen, Joan Baez, Dave Matthews, Rufus Wainwright, John Mellencamp and Arlo Guthrie. All performed in 2009 at Seeger’s 90th birthday party at sold-out Madison Square Garden, a fundraiser for his favorite local cause: cleaning up New York’s Hudson River…

Liquor reform lite

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE Column: Republican Gov. Tom Corbett could claim a victory, albeit a minor one, if the General Assembly allowed beer and wine in all grocery stores and allowed six packs to be sold in convenience stores.

Ukrainian President Offers Top Government Posts to Opposition Leaders

NEW YORK TIMES: In a striking concession aimed at defusing the civil uprising that has gripped Ukraine, President Viktor F. Yanukovych on Saturday offered to install opposition leaders in top posts in a reshaped government, proposing one of them, Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, as prime minister and another, the former boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, as vice prime minister for humanitarian affairs…