Ukrainian premier submits resignation

USA TODAY: ..In a statement Tuesday on the government website, Mykola Azarov offered his resignation in order to encourage what he called “social-political compromise.” …

The prime minister’s resignation would remove one of the figures most despised by the opposition and repeal of the anti-protest laws would remove a severe aggravating factor in the crisis. But they stop well short of opposition demands, which include Yanukovych’s resignation…

The prime minister’s resignation would remove one of the figures most despised by the opposition and repeal of the anti-protest laws would remove a severe aggravating factor in the crisis. But they stop well short of opposition demands, which include Yanukovych’s resignation… (more)

EDITOR: While the U. S. public’s attention is focused elsewhere, perhaps the most important challenge to the Free World since the dissolution of the Soviet Empire in 1998 is being courageously undertaken by citizens massed in the streets of a score of cities across the Ukraine. If successful, it could be the final battle of the Cold War.
