BUDAPEST BEACON: Gábor Székely: They should not pretend there are independent judges here

By Benjamin Novak, originally published at the Budapest Beacon Feb. 19, 2018, reprinted here by permission. “They should not pretend there are independent judges here.” – Gábor Székely, former judge. A while ago, we interviewed current and former judges on the workings of Hungary’s judiciary. Former judge Gábor Székely was one of the people we […]

Indigenous People of Russia

By Slava Tsukerman In the former Soviet Union, every citizen had an internal passport. Among the entries in this passport, under the number 5, was an entry called “nationality”, which meant, not the citizenship, but the ethnic identity, such as “Russian”, “Ukrainian”, “Georgian”, and “Jewish”. Using the Soviet slang, this information was commonly called “fifth […]

Philly looking to become first American city to create safe spaces for drug users to inject drug

Tom Beck   SOUTH PHILADELPHIA REVIEW:  Moving forward, the City will actively encourage organizations like community nonprofits or medical organizations to operate and fund one or more CUES. This past Wednesday, the city of Philadelphia announced plans to encourage organizations to develop Comprehensive User Engagement Sites, in which opiate addicts would be provided a safe space […]

General Hospital shamefully negligent in preventing spread of disease especially during flu epidemic

By Robert Field   The article “Is General Hospital lax in preventing spread of disease? ” appeared on June 4, 2017.  Yesterday I once again visited Lancaster General Hospital  for a blood test. The prior article started:  “When visiting hospitals in Philadelphia and New York, we encountered hand sanitizing gel dispensers almost everywhere and make use […]