EDITORIAL: The Democrats should unmuzzle President Obama

President Barack Obama has an approval rating around 40%. But Congress’s rating is about 10%.

Especially Democrats need to hear the voice of the leader for whom they have voted two times, and perhaps three, call for their support next Tuesday.

Obama needs to explain that he needs the election of every Democrat candidate for Senate and House to help him further and achieve during the last two years of his administration which we have strived for during the initial six years.

It is fine for candidates to run away from certain positions that the Administration has taken; but foolish to run away from the president.

Without a cry from the heart from the President, Democrats will stay home. Is this what the Party wants to happen?


1 Comment

  1. I’m sure that there are plenty of democrats who voted for Obama 2, 3 or more times in both elections. That explains how he got elected.

    EDITOR: Touche’

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