Gingrich Rebuts Critics, Unveils Seven-Plank Immigration Platform


…As for the seven steps, Gingrich wants to see them executed in this order.

  • Border fence. Gingrich wants a fence to be built along our entire border with Mexico by 2014. As president, he would suspend regulations, such as environmental impact studies, to get the fence erected on time.
  • English first. Gingrich would make English the country’s official language.
  • History lesson. Children seeking citizenship would have to learn our nation’s history.
  • Visa reform. Gingrich would implement a new visa system. Now tourists and those seeking to do business in this country spend too much time and money on an overly complex process to garner a visa.
  • Power of deportation. Gingrich said he would make it easier to deport criminals. For example, members of the El Salvadoran gang “MS-13” should be booted from the country immediately.
  • Guest worker program. Gingrich would adjust this program, which allows foreigners to work temporarily in the United States. A private company, such as a credit card firm, should run the program rather than the federal government.
  • Let them stay. Some illegal immigrants who have been here for decades would be allowed to remain in the United States. This would affect a “relatively small number” of people, Gingrich said. He blasted claims that his program constitutes amnesty. Those illegals allowed to stay here wouldn’t be offered citizenship.

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