Month: October 2011

Solar power is beginning to go mainstream

USA TODAY / AP:  Solar power has been held back by costs. It’s still about three times more expensive than electricity produced by natural gas, according to estimates by the Energy Information Administration. But the financial barriers are falling fast. Solar power installations doubled in the United States last year and are expected to double […]

Some sobering statistics

More facts from “The Price of Civilization” by Jeffrey Sachs: “At the start of the 1970s, average to o100 CEO pay was roughly 40 times the average worker’s pay.  By the year 2000, it had reach 1,000 times the average worker’s pay!” “The wealthiest 1 percent of American households today enjoys a higher total net […]

The Investment Squeeze

The following is excerpted from the recently published “The Price of Civilization, Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity” by economist  Jeffrey D. Sachs. “Whereas China, which saves around 54 percent of its national income, is building hundreds of miles of subway lines and tens of thousands of miles of fast intercity rail lines, America is building […]

Apple’s Form 10-K Reveals Over $80 Billion In Cash

HUFF POST:  On Wednesday, Apple disclosed to the SEC as part of their Form 10-K filing, that they currently have $81,570,000,000 in cash, 13.2 million square feet of building space, and 60,400 full-time employees. “This means that Apple pulled in $37.5 billion in cash profits in fiscal 2011. Not bad for a company that ‘missed’ […]

Intelligencer Journal New Era

Article “Anger building over Lancaster city project, RRTA terminates construction contract; builder responds with court filing” reports: “RRTA owes Perrotto $1.3 million for work done as far back as June. The agency’s withholding of payment has prevented Perrotto from paying subcontractors, who have since stopped coming to work at the North Queen/East Chestnut streets construction site.”

Mitt Romney’s shifting views on climate change

CBS NEWS: The longer he runs for president, the more doubts Republican front-runner Mitt Romney seems to have about the science behind global climate change. Speaking at a closed-door fundraiser Thursday in Pittsburgh, Romney’s position on the causes of global warming continued the rightward shift that has been underway for several months. “My view is […]

Kim Jong-Il Won’t Let N Koreans in Libya Come Home

NEWSMAX:   …. About 200 North Koreans were working for Moammar Gadhafi’s regime and were witnesses to the six months of fighting that ultimately saw the overthrow and killing of the strongman, reports the Daily Telegraph. Most were doctors, nurses, or construction workers. … North Korean media have not reported on the revolutions in the three […]

Japan Nuclear Disaster Released Higher Radiation Levels Than Previously Reported

HUFF POST:   The Fukushima nuclear disaster released twice as much of a radioactive substance into the atmosphere as Japanese authorities estimated, reaching 40 percent of the total from Chernobyl, a preliminary report says. The estimate of much higher levels of radioactive cesium-137 comes from a worldwide network of sensors. Study author Andreas Stohl of the […]

NBA cancels all games through November

USA TODAY: … “It’s not practical, possible or prudent to have a full season now,” said [Commissioner David] Stern, who projected several hundred millions of dollars in losses without games in November, on top of the $200 million lost without the preseason. He said the NBA’s “next offer will reflect extraordinary losses that are starting […]

Should banks be required to adjust mortgage terms?

K. Z. forwarded:  “It’s Time for Debt Forgiveness, American-Style.” WATCHDOG  responded:  The writer overlooks the fact that the banks capital bases would be seriously depleted or in many cases eliminated if they absorbed these losses.   This would likely trigger a world wide stock market crash and bring about a major depression.   K. Z. replied:  The […]

Canadians welcome Occupy movement

I’m extremely pleased to announce that after some debate my colleagues on council passed my motion in support of the Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, our arm of the worldwide “occupy” movement (see motion below). Best regards, Philippe Lucas *Motion in Support of the People’s Assembly of Victoria* Whereas there is currently a worldwide citizens movement […]


Editorial “Losing proposition” states: “By a vote of 27 to 22, the Pennsylvania Senate Wednesday approved and sent to the state House a school voucher bill that could cost taxpayers up to $13.900 to send a child to private school…. “Four months ago, the governor cut the public education budget by $930 million, arguing that […]