Month: January 2010


“Facility’s success in eye of beholder” provides an in-depth and balanced discussion of the current status of the Convention Center / Marriott Hotel project and the implications for our community. It deal with so many issues, that the Watchdog is hesitant to excerpt it lest we appear biased. Rather, we encourage the use of the above […]

Lancaster Post series about the hotel and convention center project

NewsLanc’s Convention Center series is on hold due to constraints on various parties from the Molly Henderson vs. Lancaster Newspapers and Art Morris litigation. Those impatient to learn more about what occurred beyond the last installment of our series may wish to visit the collection under the heading “Lancaster Post series about the hotel and convention center project.”


“Starbucks no Longer on Medical Marijuana Advocates’ ‘Naughty’ List” reports: “Last week, SAFER, a Colorado-based medical marijuana advocacy group, called for a national boycott of Starbucks after the coffee roaster’s logo showed up on website of a group that opposes drug reforms… “According to Starbucks HQ, no money was involved. So most likely, as Tvert surmises, […]

On the nature of corporations

A corporation, or a union, is an organization of humans. There is no fundamental thing that a corporation can do that the individual members could not do, not anything a union can do that the individual union members could not do. The organizational structure simply allows them owners, or members, to act in concert.

Scott Brown may have saved the Democrat Party!

As much as I support and see the necessity of health care reform, I do not believe that the Senate Bill or indeed any modification of the same that could readily be achieved through so-called reconciliation will do much more that cause the defeat of the Democratic majority and any hope of progressive government for the foreseeable future, and I am thinking in terms of decades.


“US eyes bond issues to offload bank assets” reports:  “The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is working on plans to package billions of dollars of assets from failed banks into securities, a move that will help restart the still dysfunctional markets for mortgage-backed bonds. “If the FDIC goes through with the bond issues it would […]

Former manager accuses Turnpike chiefs of corruption reports in “Former finance manager Bailets accuses Penn Pike chiefs of corruption, waste in lawsuit“: “A former finance manager Ralph M Bailets has lodged a lawsuit in Commonwealth Court in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania accusing Turnpike Commission chiefs of serious wrongdoing. He says he was fired for his efforts to resist corrupt procurement practices and waste […]

EDITORIAL: City meter parking

From the Intellenger Journal/Lancaster New Era, “Saturday meters: To pay or not?”: “Matt Kim sees it every Saturday. His customers drive slowly past his dry cleaning shop at West Orange and North Prince streets, looking for parking spaces. They drive around the block. Then they shake their heads and drive away. “’I lost a lot of customers. I don’t see them anymore,’ said Kim, who operates Kim’s Custom Cleaners…”


“‘Sexting’ is no felony, bill says”relates “The practice of using a cell phone to transmit nude or sexually explicit photos, represents the triumph of technology over common sense, says a state legislator from Reading. “But while the practice, usually done by teenagers, seems foolish or risky at best, it shouldn’t scar youths for years by […]


Commenting on the cancellation of the relocation and upgrading of the Art Museum, the Lancaster New Era’s editorial revealed the “state apparently reneged on a promise of $4 million – half the cost of the proposed facility – that was to be matched by local support.  As a result, the museum was forced to suspend […]

EXCLUSIVE: Library directors critical of System costs

In assessing the efficiency of library funding distribution in Lancaster County, the Libraries Task Force recently solicited a survey of 15 library directors from throughout the county. The survey’s objective was to gauge the need for changes in the Library System’s central budget. Results of the survey reflected a common perception that the System needs to minimize administrative overhead spending while maximizing dollars spent on direct services…

Replace dangerous pills with safe marijuana

We are all here supporting marijuana for medical use. One of the biggest complaints is that it’s the gateway drug to the harder stuff and how do we stop the people who are prescribed from supplying it to a non-prescribed individual? I’m a disabled individual who was run over by a car while a woman […]

NewsLanc joins with CapitolWire to provide statewide news

At the suggestion of a sometime local journalist, NewsLanc has explored and subsequently subscribed to The private service provides daily links to scores of important news articles and editorials from newspapers throughout Pennsylvania. For local news, NewsLanc will continue to supplement the Lancaster Newspapers. But for statewide matters, NewsLanc will likely exceed the local media in breadth of coverage […]