The Midnight Ride of Jonathan Luna

NEWLANC: A new documentary, The Midnight Ride of Jonathan Luna, reveals disturbing facts about the shocking death of a Black federal prosecutor in 2003 and asks provocative questions about actions by the Maryland Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Pennsylvania state police. Jonathan Luna was an ambitious federal prosecutor who had worked for the […]

“Denazification” Russian Way

By Slava Tsukerman According to the Russian state propaganda, among the main purposes of the Russian war with Ukraine are denazification and demilitarization of the country. Russian propaganda considers Ukrainians who think that they are different from Russians – having their own language, nationality and are deserving a state of their own – enemies and […]

Just a Zip Code?

By Robert Field, Publisher The following article appeared in the Washington Post concerning the recent sale of the Scranton Times-Herald. “Could the local news crisis get any worse? Look at Scranton.” We had a similar LNP situation here in Lancaster but, thanks to the Steinman family that also had owned our newspaper for over a […]

Why Russians Support the War with Ukraine

By Slava Tsukerman The Public Sociology Laboratory, an independent research group of scholars and activists in St. Petersburg, stated in its report: “Since the beginning of Russia’s so-called “special operation” in Ukraine, polling companies, both Kremlin-loyal and independent, have shown impressive numbers of Russians’ support for military action. But the polls only partly help us understand […]

Opioid Settlement Funding, spend it on needed health services, not law enforcement

Dear Commissioners Parsons, Trescot, and D’Agostino, I am writing to express my concern regarding the allocation of Lancaster’s Opioid Settlement Funds. As you may be aware, there have been recent proposals to spend a significant portion of the 2022 funds on law enforcement staffing. Please consider allocating 100% of the remaining $275,000 towards treatment, recovery, […]