Tea Partiers (and others) should watch Charles Ferguson on Charlie Rose

Tea Partiers are simply barking up the wrong tree, turning their ire on high government spending and the so called ‘welfare state’ but missing the main cause of the joblessness and fiscal deficits.

If they devoted twenty minutes to watching the Charlie Rose conversation with filmmaker Charles Ferguson concerning his forthcoming documentary “Inside Job” on how the financial industries (‘Wall Street’) have systematically lied, cheated, stolen and exploited America and carelessly and knowingly brought about the Great Recession, they would begin to appreciate how far afield the nation has gone over the past there decades.

Ferguson refers to President Barack Obama as being “conflict adverse” and suggests that the Justice Department will never prosecute flagrant law breakers and punish firms.    (Of course it is Attorney General Eric Holder who heads a presumably independent Justice Department who bears the responsibility.)

Last night’s program, preceded by with an excellent discussion of the Wikileak consequences, can be viewed Tuesday evening on Bloomberg Television at both 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM.  Or download the program when it is posted later in the week at CharlieRose.com.

Rose can justly be accused of having been too cozy with representatives of major Wall Street firms and government regulators whom he has interviewed.   The Ferguson interview serves to make some amends.
