Tag: Watchdog


In a Feb. 26th column headed “Ayers gag bid unfunny – and un-American” Jeff Hawkes states “…there’s no place for suppressing even the most repugnant speaker. Ignore him. Denounce him. But uphold his right to have his say.” He criticizes seven Lancaster County state legislators for a letter calling upon Millersville University’s president to cancel […]


A full color display ad for Chapman Ford appears at the bottom of the front page of the Feb. 26th Intelligencer Journal. WATCHDOG: What ever it takes! We need at least one newspaper in this town. The Internet is changing how we obtain information, advertisers are deserting the print media, and times are tough. Radio […]


Feb. 24: “Volunteers found 734 people living in homeless shelters, transitional housing and on the streets. That number is 27 more than a year ago, and the highest number found in the annual count done in the last 15 years… [Kay Moshier] McDivitt believes the Jan. 26 survey likely would have found more people if […]


A Feb. 24th article discusses Senator Arlen Specter comments on the recently passed “Stimulus Bill” as follows: “Going back to the economic stimulus bill, Specter said he believed the final bill should have included more tax cuts than spending. Specter said the inefficiency of the government has been shown during the economic crisis, especially with […]


It’s Feb. 21 editorial harumphs: (1)”Democrats in the U.S. Senate made a mistake when they bowed to racial power politics and voted to confirm Roland Burris to the Senate seat vacated by President Barack Obama… (2) Burris, who clearly wanted the Senate seat, should have turned his back on Blagojevich — as all honorable people […]


In the Feb. 23rd edition, David Bauder, AP Television Writer, states: “Of the 681 people who appeared as guests on a dozen cable news and four network Sunday morning talk shows in the three weeks the ended last Sunday, only 41, or 6 percent, were economists…That count alone indicates a lack of effort in tracking […]


The Feb. 23rd editorial states “Those who oppose [Williaml Ayers] visit have the right to protest, write letters to the editor or simply not attend. But they don’t have the right to force the university to cancel his visit.” WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail in salute!


A Feb. 22 article “Empty store fronts a sign of the times” paints a relatively optimistic future for “anchored malls” despite momentary vacancies generated by bankruptcies of the parent companies of Circuit City and Linen N Things. WATCHDOG: Not mentioned in the article is the gigantic Park City that forty years ago replaced downtown Lancaster […]


A report headed “Bill Clinton to Obama: Speak Hopefully” goes on to say “…President Clinton says he thinks President Barack Obama should talk more optimistically about the prospects that the nation will recover from its current deep economic woes.” WATCHDOG: Our oft repeated point. It is one thing to inform. It is another to terrify […]


Headlined “Reduced to rubble, Square collapse nearly complete”, the Feb. 21 article goes on to state: “In the 1960s, it was called ‘urban renewal.’ In more recent years, it was called a ‘concrete monstrosity.’ In a few weeks, it will just be a memory.” WATCHDOG: In the past, city leaders ignored warnings that there would […]


An article on Feb. 20th reports “Lancaster County’s Republican state House delegation is putting pressure on leaders of the higher-education system and Millersville University to cancel an upcoming lecture by radical-turned-professor William Ayers.” WATCHDOG: We protect every American’s right of free speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution by allowing problematic situations. If the […]


On Feb. 19, NewsMax.com reports: “Under the new projections, the unemployment rate will rise to between 8.5 and 8.8 percent this year. The old forecasts, issued in mid-November, predicted the jobless rate would rise to between 7.1 and 7.6 percent. “The Fed also believes the economy will contract this year between 0.5 and 1.3 percent. […]


A startling heading over a Feb. 16th Letter to the Editor: “Time to honor George W. with holiday.” WATCHDOG: We thought it was from someone on the right wing fringe until we discovered the subject was George Washington, not George W. Bush! Appears it was a ‘gotcha’ by an editor. If intentional, a wag of […]


A Presidents Day headline reads “Lincoln top president in rankings by historians” and publishes an Associated Press report on a study performed by a group of historians on behalf of C-SPAN. WATCHDOG: What is not mentioned is the study by the London Times which was reported yesterday over AOL. C-SPAN ranks the top eleven in […]