Tag: Watchdog


“New [Rasmussen] survey results show Americans are far more pessimistic about the nation’s economy than most economists, with 53 percent saying another Great Depression is likely in the next few years.” WATCHDOG: Most Americans normally don’t even think about the economic future of the country, let alone relate it to their lives. So how can […]


The March 10 editorial “Fat paycheck for U. S. postmaster” exclaims “In 2008 alone, [Postmaster General John E.] Potter received a $264,000 annual salary and a compensation-and-retirement package (much of it deferred to later years) worth more than $800,000 according to the Washington Times….The head of FedEx, for example, was paid $11 million in total […]


According to the popular conservative web site, Senator Arlen Specter reiterated Monday that he felt passage of the legislation was more important than protecting his Senate seat. “Had there been no stimulus, I think we’d have gone right off the edge,” he said. “I think we’re pretty close to the edge anyway, to be very […]


March 10th brought editorials concerning “Treatment plan” and “Best of times, worst of times.” The former dealt with the $1.1 billion appropriated in the Stimulus Bill “to compare how various drugs, medical devices and surgeries treat specific medical conditions.” It concludes “Might this mean that some patients will have to give up the freedom to […]


Rev. Louis A. Butcher, Jr.’s column on March 8th entitled “Honoring a life of public service” eulogizes former State Representative and long time Senator Gibson E. Armstrong. “Having served in his last position as the powerful chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Gibson Armstrong recently retired from the Senate, leaving an admirable legacy of accomplishments for […]


A well produced segment reported how attendance at the Lancaster Public Library (Duke Street) has grown from 1300 to 1500 a day during this difficult times and described the many free and diverse services provided. www.wgal.com/video/18870177/index.html WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail for WGAL-TV and the good work the library staff is performing. A lift […]


A March 7th editorial “For giving” implicitly criticizes Congressman Joe Pitts for publicizing a letter from a wealthy constituent who says she will reduce the amount of her charitable giving to compensate for any greater federal income taxes she may have to pay due to an Obama increase. After carefully calculating the consequences of a […]


A March 6 article entitled “Lawmakers asking Millersville University: Why Ayers? County’s GOP delegation meeting with university, state officials” contains a fascinating tidbit: “My concern all along was the issue of using public dollars for protection of Dr. Ayers,” said [John ]Bear, a Republican from Lititz.” WATCHDOG: We are only to protect citizens deemed worthy […]


The editorial “Obama breaks vow to curb earmarks” goes on to say “Yes, that Barack Obama. The one who, during the campaign, promised to go over the federal budget ‘line by line,’ as president to make sure taxpayers’ dollars are being spent wisely…An earmark free spending bill is possible.” WATCHDOG: The New Era editors are […]


March 4th article “LCHS Mock Trial Team Advances To Regionals” starts “The case was contrived, and the plaintiffs and defendants were fabricated. But everything else about the 25th Mock Trial competition sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Associates was as authentic as possible.” The article goes on at length to describe the nature of the competition […]


The March 3rd editorial asserted that Ron Kirk, President Barack Obama’s choice to be U. S. trade representative, “has admitted to the Senate Finacne Committee to ownig $10,00 in back taxes. Among other things, he improperly deducted the full cost of season tickets to the Dallas Mavericks pro-basketball teama.” WATCHDOG: Talk about only getting part […]


Obituaries were published as filler on half of the Op-Ed page of the March 4 edition. WATCHDOG: This is a sign of diminished local news coverage and national columns. If the Lancaster Newspapers keep this up, it may be their own obituary that will follow in a few years.


In a letter concerning the change of assignments of Daphna Ben-Chaim at the Lancaster Country Day School, the writer opines: “I find it incredibly disconcerting that there were so many anonymous opinions for this article…Anonymity lacks credibility.” WATCHDOG: We would agree that critics should be willing to be named in major metropolitan areas such as […]


March 1st ‘Perspective’ lead article: “Hold the eulogies, Sen. Edward Kennedy battles brain cancer on one front, as he prepared to tack health care reform on another” by Mark Leibovich, New York Times News Service. WATCHDOG: “Hold the eulogies, Sen. Edward Kennedy battles brain cancer on one front, as he prepared to tack health care […]