Tag: Watchdog


Associated Press dispatch headed “Sources: Obama to give GM two months to restructure” goes on to say “Under the plan, the government would provide up to $6 billion to forge the alliance between Chrysler and Fiat, but if the companies failed to reach an agreement or find an alternative plan for viability, Chrysler would not […]


A “Living” section front page article is titled “Circumcision: Nationwide, practice is declining; but Lancaster County keeps to tradition.” It goes on to say “Circumcision was once believed to contribute to cleanliness and, therefore, reduce risk of urinary-tract infections and even sexually transmitted diseases. Then, a 1999 policy statement, made after a two-year investigation by […]


A “special report” appeared on March 27 entitled: “The young & the homeless Students who live in motels, shelters or even cars are an ongoing nationwide and local problem. Lancaster and Hempfield, the county’s two biggest school districts, are coping with troubling increases.” WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail for this timely, informative and compelling […]


In an article titled “Nuclear’s comeback isn’t cheered by all”, the Intell reports “Currently, 17 companies have applied to the NRC for 26 licenses, and new plants may soon be built, creating as many as 100,000 new jobs.” WATCHDOG: Shh! Don’t tell the New Era. They wrote nuclear energy’s obituary a couple of weeks back.


An article appears with a frowning picture of State Representative Mike Sturla headed “Sturla’s nonprofit may be scrutinized by AG.” The opening sentences are: “The case of the once-powerful state lawmaker accused of misusing money from a nonprofit he founded is likely to shed light on a small number of similar foundations in Pennsylvania, including […]


An article from the Associated Press reports: “Gov. Ed Rendell ousted the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission’s chairman Monday, citing ‘overwhelming’ evidence that Mitchell Rub accepted $150,000 in taxpayer-paid work that apparently was never done and makes it inappropriate for him to stay on the commission.” WATCHDOG: NewsLanc’s investigation of over a million dollars in payments to […]


“The chains that own large metropolitan dailies such as the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune are in bankruptcy. Other papers, large and small, are teetering on the brink. “On Monday, the Ann Arbor (Michigan) News announced that it will publish its last edition in July. Taking its place will be a Web site […]


In a March 23rd letter to the editor headed “Why I voted against a tax on bonuses”, U. S. Rep. Joe Pitts states: “Bonuses are certainly not warranted. But I voted against the bill because I think it was unconstitutional. Retroactive taxes are not good public policy.” WATCHDOG: He’s right. A wave of the tail!


On March 22, Gil Smart writes “Yet there was a time when elitism was clearly understood in the manner Black suggests- the economic elite who, the suspicion went, gamed to the system to their benefit.” WATCHDOG: Lancaster is a microcosm of how, over the past decade, a powerful economic elite has worked behind the scenes […]


The March 16 article entitled “Dalies Dying, But News Business Is Thriving” goes on to say: “While the business model of many news organizations appears to be fracturing, there’s little indication that consumers are losing interest in news, says the Project for Excellence in Journalism….Newspapers have failed to figure out how to make their Web […]


In his weekly column, Editor Marv Adams asks “Where would [‘web’ aggregators] be without the newspapers that originate more than 90 percent of the news in this country?” WATCHDOG: For most parts of the country, in ten to twenty years the news will come from local web sites that are the successors to the print […]


In his Ides of March column “Specter should switch sides”, Gil Smart opines “Were [Senator Arlen Specter] to switch parties and run as a Democrat, he would likely destroy Toomey, or anyone else, in the general election. One suspects Specter would get more than a little satisfaction from that.” WATCHDOG: Specter switched from Democrat to […]


The front Page March 12th article pronounces “The Curse of TMI: No nuke plants built in U. S. since 1979 accident. Experts say that won’t change.” It goes on to say “For Jerry Taylor, a senior fellow at the CATO Institute, a well-regarded conservative Washington think-tank, it’s purely a matter of economics.” Taylor contends that […]


March 12 (Bloomberg) — “Sales at U.S. retailers in February fell less than forecast and January’s gain was almost double the previous estimate, indicating the biggest part of the economy may be starting to stabilize.” WATCHDOG: All this despite the crepe hanging by so called experts. Wild government spending (as opposed to targeted relief for […]