Tag: Watchdog


In endorsing John Morganelli for Attorney General, the Intell states: “Morganelli suggested earlier this year that [Attorney General Tom] Corbett ‘botched’ the ‘[Bonusgate] investigation ….and that the probe is ‘politically tainted’ as a result.” WATCHDOG: Since Corbett recently investigated and censured the illegal activities of four Intelligencer Journal reporters for unlawful access to a state […]


According to “Sunday’s Guest” Jacques Gibble in a column headed “Effort is key to achievement”: “This belief, that only some students have the intelligence to achieve academically, has operated in our schools for a long time. It colors teacher (and parent) expectations for their charges and anticipates that only the ‘smart’ ones will do well.” […]


In its Oct. 17 cover story “Gib Bets On Death, the Post looks at the retiring Senator’s many business ventures”, the Post states: [“Senator Gib Armstrong’s] Historic Hamilton Suites that he bought in 2002 is currently for sale. The 58 units are available for a cool $3.657 million dollars. In the documents showing potential investors […]


In its Oct. 10th lead article “Railroaded: Is trainyard relocation shutting out the public?”, the Post asks “Shouldn’t the [Public Involvement Plan] — on how the property is to be cleaned up – be completed, so that the public can review the plans? Or, better, shouldn’t the public’s input be considered before the plan is […]


An Oct. 11 article about Warwick High School football team’s 21 -19 victory over McCaskey opens “You guys,” Bob Locker began, his voice a mix of pleasure and exasperation as he addressed the post-game huddle, “have a funny way.” WATCHDOG: The Intell also has a “funny way” of reporting sports because the entire article, 2/3rd […]


On October 9, four out of the ten lead New Era articles as listed at LancasterOnLine.com dealt with sex offenses. WATCHDOG: Thirty days before local and national elections and during the worse financial crisis since the Great Depression, we would think that New Era editors would have their reporters covering more news worthy articles. As […]


An Oct. 8th article headed “Rail-yard foes focus on dump” sets forth the most important concerns expressed by many School Lane Hills residents. (See NewsLanc’s report here) WATCHDOG: We felt Michael Yoder’s report was an unusually accurate, balanced and substantive job of reporting, especially given deadline constraints.


A blog posting entitled “From the annals-of-journalism dept.” attempts to refute NewsLanc criticism of “McCaskey’s Challenge” that appeared in the Sunday News of Sept. 21. “So to summarize, the only real problems with this investigation are, 1. It wasn’t an investigation; 2. It didn’t come close to revealing anything worth knowing about McCaskey sports or […]


In Jeff Hawkes’ column of Oct 3 entitled “Juvenile lifers: Redemption and release?” he poses the question of whether a thirteen year old who committed a senseless murder should be kept in prison for the rest of his without the possibility of parole. He presents evidence how the brain continues to develop during teenage years […]


A viewer brought to our attention a Jeff Hawkes column in which he stated: “If we could put aside labels and see all of us as Americans, some with Latin-American roots, we’d be more likely to take ownership of the challenges presented in a new report titled ‘Latinos in Lancaster County: Voices, Perspectives, Myths and […]


It’s editorial of Sept. 19 opens with “Kudos to the Lancaster General Hospital for boosting its payment in lieu of taxes by $25,000 a month to the School District of Lancaster….This is money the nonprofit hospital is not required to give, but does so, anyway.” WATCHDOG: Anyone who still doubts a tacit alliance between the […]


The extensive Sport Section article “McCaskey’s challenge” strongly implies that the reason that McCaskey’s sports team are not competitive is because the student body is 78% Hispanic and African Americans, who in large part suffer from academic and home problems that prevent them from making the teams or performing well. “It’s not to be critical […]


The Sept. 21 editorial maintains that “..the [county] commissioners skated too close to the [Sunshine Act] and possibly over it, in the way they handled a decision not to pay for a mailing from the Lancaster County Government Study Commission.” WATCHDOG: As we have opined before, the Sunshine Act is vague beyond prosecution and, if […]


‘Artie See’ took a ride on the trolley bus and reports “Twice the trolley [bus] was forced to change lanes, and once it had to make a major detour; these would have been impossible with a streetcar.” WATCHDOG: ‘See’, a pen name, also concluded “It is obvious that there are not enough passengers to justify […]