Tag: Watchdog


The editorial on Jan. 5 states: “The Employee Free Choice Act would allow employees to indicate their desire for a union simply by signing authorization cards.” (Currently, collecting cards from a majority of employees triggers a period of discussion followed by a secret ballot.) WATCHDOG: We agree. When approached by two or three co-workers, the […]


In an article concerning the demolition of the Queen Street pedestrian bridge, the Intell quotes Rep. Mike Stura as follows: “I don’t know that tearing it down first just so we can have a vacant hole there makes a whole lot of sense.” He further indicated that any developer “worth his salt” could evaluate the […]


On Jan.1st in what read like a press release, the Intell headlined “Weis to lower; freeze food prices. 2,400 items affected; will last 90days.” WATCHDOG: On Jan. 2nd, the Intell contains a ten page Weis insert with the front page message: “Price Freeze. Weis has lowered and frozen the price on thousands of items you […]


The Jan. 2nd editorial “Won’t work” pontificates “By accepting [Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich’s appointment, [former Illinois attorney general Roland] Burris has sadly allowed himself to be used by an unscrupulous politician who is trying to stay out of jail, let along (sic) trying to keep his office.” It also accuses the governor of “cynicism” in […]


In a New Years column, Noble laureate economist Paul Krugman’s writes: “But even as Washington tries to rescue the economy, the nation will be reeling from the actions of 50 Herbert Hoovers – state governors who are slashing spending in a time of recession, often at the expense both of their most vulnerable constituents and […]


“Bomb bandit caught” with a head shot of the accused was the Dec. 30th headline at www.LancasterOnLine.com . WATCHDOG: What ever happened to the words “alleged” or “suspect”? Once so portrayed, how would an innocent person ever retrieve his or her reputation? How many would ever know about the exoneration? Sloppy journalism harms people.


On Dec. 27, Jeff Hawkes railed: “For those trying to make this place better than they found it, two events in particular came as blows. “Bowing to the howls of their constituents, the [East Hempfield Township] supervisors precipitously scuttled a sorely needed land-use planning process… “As for the second setback? It arrived in November when […]


Their Dec. 21st editorial “Gift exchange” states “Earlier this month, the commissioners learned that an unexpected reimbursement of farmland preservation funds from the state, for two farms the county had already paid to put on the preservation rolls, would add almost $1.08 million to the general fund. It would be fitting, and a good Christmas […]


The article of Dec. 18 leads “County holds tax in check. Commissioners pass an ‘austere’ budget that will leave the property tax rate at 3.416 mills for 2009.” WATCHDOG: News articles are expected to give voice to all sides. We can understand the incomplete New Era report because it was posted within half an hour […]


The Dec. 14 editorial “Citizen victory” boldly proclaims: “Rejection of shopping center is testament to the will of neighbors who took on the developer. Drumore Township supervisors should follow their example.” WATCHDOG: We propose that the Sunday News follow its own example of urging support of neighbors. It should call for Franklin & Marshall College […]


The Dec. 13 editorial was headed “Armstrong served state and city well” and goes on to say: “The job’s important, but the day you leave office you’ll be forgotten pretty quickly, easily.” The New Era went on to say “That won’t be true of Armstrong. He served eight years in the House and 24 in […]


Dec. 13: “If you know a good-news story in your neighborhood, call New Era Editor Ernest Schreiber and let him know. Dials 291-88750 weekdays.” WATCHDOG: Viewers may want to give Schreiber a call and tell him that the “good-news” is that the Watchdog is looking over his shoulder. For example, since exposed by NewsLanc in […]


“Auto companies: repair yourselves” is the heading to a Dec. 10th editorial. It goes on to opine: “The $15 billion is only a down payment of what General Motors, Chrysler and Ford will request to get through the financial crisis.” It then sagely states: “Bankruptcy might benefit the bloated auto industry. It might require executive […]