Until the day of LNP accepts responsibility, the citizenry will not know whether the press is protector or predator. And every one of the ongoing self-defensive, editorialized ‘news articles’ will be subject to ridicule.
Tag: News and Commentary
CONVENTION CENTER BAIL OUT: LNP and PSP have no sense of shame
The chickens have come home to roost, as foreseen by the former County Commissioners and those who questioned the viability of the proposed convention center project. Meanwhile the project’s sponsoring partners and equitable owners of the Marriott Hotel endeavor to rewrite history concerning their past misrepresentations and current irresponsibility.
EDITORIAL: In defense of the Affordable Health Care Act
We believe that the Affordable Health Care Act will provide health care coverage for those previously without health insurance and added protections for those who have, but we do not have high hopes of it reigning in costs and improving the overall quality of care.
“But what conservatives must understand is that a populace with no buying power will not buy. Even Wal-Mart itself is discovering this, perhaps reaping what it has sown. In August the company reported a surprise decline in quarterly same-store sales…”
“According to U.S. News & World Report, the total cost of a four-year degree by the time my youngest goes to college, assuming he does, will top $200,000. Where’s that coming from? Well, maybe he’ll be even better at baseball than his older brother.”
EDITORIAL: Library System Administer Op-Ed Misleads; Sunday News Editor Negligent
The major point of contention, of which the Sunday News editor certainly should be aware, is that each library has one vote regardless of number of users. To add insult to injury, the downtown Lancaster Public Library, the largest in itself with about 1500 visitors a day, has two non-voting suburban branches that are larger than some voting libraries.
On the disappearance of DA Ray Gricar
Re: District Attorney Ray Gricar drops the ball Mr. Keisling, you indicated that Mr. Gricar’s “disappearance would turn out to be a smart career move.” I would ask how? Gricar announced, in early 2004 that he would not be seeking re-election in 2005 and that he would not be practicing law after that. He was […]
Our cousin Bob: Black sheep becomes American hero
When our generation was growing up, all the cousins were aspiring for high grades, good colleges, and brilliant careers in business or the professions. All that was but cousin Bob about whom we worried.
Downtown “Trolley” Bus Carries Only 96 Passengers Daily
According to a spokesperson for the Red Rose Transit Authority, the trolley bus carries 2,900 passengers a month. That comes to 96 daily and, based on the 12 hour daily schedule, an average of about 8 an hour. Businesses normally expand and upgrade when there is strong demand for their product and services. Does it […]
Trolley Car Propaganda
The September 9th Sunday News ran a long article extolling the virtues of bringing trolley cars (they call them “street cars”) back to Lancaster. The article is available at http://local.lancasteronline.com/4/209236. NewsLanc comments item by item and endeavors to provide the missing balance: 1) The formation of the Lancaster Street Car Co., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, […]
Red Rose Has No Position On Trolleys. Ridership Up 4.4% from Last Year
In response to a question from a NewsLanc reporter regarding the board’s position on the issue of trolley cars for downtown Lancaster, Executive Director David Kilmer said, “That effort is not being led by this authority” and “I think it’s too early to make any judgment about that and I don’t think we should be […]
Another Sunday News Puff Piece on Trolley Cars
In a 22 column-inch puff piece in the Sunday News of Nov. 18th headed “Streetcar group picks board, seeks momentum,” less than one inch is devoted to the merest mention of wide scale public disenchantment with the proposal. The article concedes in brief: “… there’s been considerable criticism from those who worry that a streetcar […]
LA Times article on Lancaster surveilance efforts
(From the Los Angeles Times.) Lancaster, Pa., keeps a close eye on itself. A vast and growing web of security cameras monitors the city of 55,000, operated by a private group of self-appointed gatekeepers. There’s been surprisingly little outcry.
Essential information for “when the doctor is out”
On midday Saturday, a Lancastrian suddenly experienced extreme fatigue and a significant fever. He attributed it to the return from a demanding trip but did feel it important to see a doctor. He sought care but did not feel it merited going to the emergency room at a hospital and running up a big bill for his insurer. Calls to his doctor at the large medical practice during non-office hours provided nothing but lack of competence and a two hour run around that was accomplishing nothing.