The $10.10 option would have substantially larger effects on employment and income than the $9.00 option would—because more workers would see their wages rise; the change in their wages would be greater; and, CBO expects, employment would be more responsive to a minimum-wage increase that was larger and was subsequently adjusted for inflation.
Tag: News and Commentary
Playing the ranking of Presidents game
A recent New York Times’ article “Rescuing a Vietnam Casualty: Johnson’s Legacy” cites a recent poll indicating how the approval ratings by the general public of the past nine Presidents.
Among the proudest pages of the Lancaster Newspapers
“[ Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske ] and others have suggested that police be permitted to use the drug naxalone on drug overdose cases. The drug has been around for years and is a highly effective, generic, nonaddictive drug used to reverse overdoses.
Why does LNP question ‘P3’ but laud CRIZ Plan? Guess!
Let’s see now, P3 provides the public a future benefit at future public costs. On the other hand, the City Revitalization and Improvement Zones a/k/a as CRIZ, offers private parties current benefits at future public costs.
Hotel Room Rental Tax receipts us 2.2% in 2012
In inflation adjusted terms, the ‘real’ increase came to ½ of a percent.
Convention Center’s future shrouded with mystery
For about ten days, we have been trying to write an accurate article on the status of the Martin Plan for salvaging the Convention Center finances. Problem is there is nothing definite to report about the proposed and further negotiated Collaboration Agreement, only a lot of scuttlebutt. But here it goes.
What Smart says would be true for a state guaranteed bond that was repaid back by the borrower…. CRIZ is repaid from future taxes that presumably would be earned by the state. So it is not the owner that pays off the debt, it is our children and grandchildren because they will not have the tax revenues from the project necessary to pay their future government costs.
When backing convention center, Mayor Gray failed to mention future $2 million to $5 million annual city subsidy
“The city’s contribution of $2 million to $5 million annually for FF&E is slated to come through the City Revitalization and Improvement Zone program. Lancaster has not been selected for the new program, but an announcement could come from state officials within days. City officials remain confident.”
LCCCA / Tourist Bureau: Little idea of how many hotel room nights Convention Center generates
Molloy pointed out that while Interstate Hotels, which jointly manages both the Marriott Hotel and the Convention Center, shares certain information with the LCCCA, but not the amount and sources of Marriott business. Such information is proprietary to the Marriott’s equitable owner, Penn Square Partners.
Why should investments in municipal bonds differ from corporate bonds?
Notice, that unlike the cruel and self serving bail out imposed on Harrisburg citizenry (and indirectly those in Lancaster County) by Gov. Tom Corbett to benefit the chief bond holder for the city, in Stockton it was the creditors that had to accept a large reduction in interests and principle when the city filed for protection under the Federal Bankruptcy Act.
Gov. Corbett and LCBWMA rushed Harrisburg bailout before Detroit bankruptcy court ruling
The governor and Harrisburg’s creditors and even the benighted board of the Lancaster County Bulk Waste Management Authority knew or should have known that, if the federal court allowed Detroit to enter bankruptcy procedures, the negotiating position of the Harrisburg creditors would have been significantly weakened.
Young men, get a ‘yes’ text before sex
Make no mistake, no woman — no matter how much she parties — is asking to be raped. But too often when heavy drinking is involved, the meaning of consent can be misconstrued on both sides.
PDCVB Votes to Support the Convention Center Financing Plan Collaboration Agreement
“I greatly appreciate the support of PDCVB and its’ members,” stated Commissioner Martin. “It is important that this collaborative plan is supported and adopted by all the stakeholders in order to bring this process to closure, get significant interest cost relief from Wells Fargo and to put the Convention Center on solid financial footing”.
Pay back what you steal and avoid prison?
“Hunsicker was the CEO of Lancaster city-based National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers during the 5-year cycle of thefts, according to testimony”