5thEstate.com was there to record the county commissioner candidates where [commissioners] Martin and Stuckey said that there would be NO MORE dollars for operating expenses! [youtube nSVC4Apsi_4] Let’s hold their feet to the fire! I noticed that Lehman only said no to construction dollars.
Tag: Letters to the Editor
More re CC financial viability
As he ascends to the chairmanship of the County’s majority party, I think it would be very enlightening to interview County Treasurer Craig Ebersole. Treasurer Ebersole had repeatedly made public statements regarding the CC viability and questioned the financing years ago. He also questioned the PDCVB’s effectiveness in how it spends its portion of hotel […]
Re: Convention Center Revenue: A Guessing Game
Excellent job – what’s going to be fun is watching the currentcounty commissioners have to make the inevitable decision when the shoe drops… I suspect they will break their promise not to raise the bed tax once they found out they are going to have to raise property taxes. Does someone want to guess when […]
TRRAAC posting critical of Lancaster Newspapers
The Lancaster New Era published a photo of trees being cut down at the former municipal dump on Feb 26, 2009 under the headline “Work starts on rail yard move: Excavation under way for $46M project fought by some Hills, Barrcrest residents.” Many homeowners in the nearby residential neighborhoods have serious concerns, as shown In […]
Is monitoring dump site removal a "burden?"
A puzzling statement about the excavation of the former municipal dump, in preparation for a relocated rail yard, is contained in a letter now appearing on The Rail Road Action and Advisory Committee’s web page. Addressed to the Manheim Twp. Commissioners and signed by Bill Cluck, TRRAAC’s attorney, this statement is: “We recognize it would […]
Legislators right about cancelling Ayers
Your letter writer concerning GOP legislators and Millersville University is actually the one who misses the point. This situation is not about free speech. It is about state sponsored and state endorsed speech. If Bill Ayers was speaking at F&M or Elizabethtown College, it would be an issue for their Boards of Trustees, not for […]
It’s all about freedom of speech
The grandstanding displayed by Lancaster County’s republican House delegation protesting a speech by William Ayers at Millersville University is disturbing. In a co-signed letter to the Intelligencer Journal, Feb. 27, 2009, Reps. Bear, Boyd, Creighton, Cutler, Denlinger, Hinkernell, and True (Intell Readers’ Forum, Feb. 27, 2009) demonstrate a level of political self-aggrandizement that would make […]
More re Council Member Joe Morales
When Joe Morales was on the LCCCA board – which he resigned to take his seat on City Council – he once bragged during a public meeting that he never read the thick documentation members were given to vote on, since he trusted the LCCCA counsel who wrote and negotiated these agreements. The LCCCA counsel […]
A critique of Mayor Rick Gray’s performance
(Reprinted with permission from www.LookingAtLancaster.com) “Former defense attorney J.Richard Gray – known to all as ‘Rick’ – has been doing an exemplary job as mayor of Lancaster, Pennsylvania over the last three years… For the most part. There can be no question that Rick Gray has done much to improve the operation and the finances […]
Suggests prejudicial New Era coverage
If Joseph Morales was on the buddy system like so many of the council members and our bureaucrats, the article “Son of City Council member tries to ignore the law” would not have been published.” This is a very weird report. Morales ran for office last election and lost but is still on city council. […]
More signs of print medium distress
R. I. P. www.breitbart.com “An annual convention of newspaper editors has been canceled so their publications can save money and focus on surviving the recession. “It’s just the second time that American Society of Newspaper Editors hasn’t convened. The last time occurred during the final months of World War II in 1945.”
State has no money for us, plenty for them!
Perhaps NewsLanc would be interested in writing about the contradiction in two stories in last night’s and today’s papers: while the state is reducing hours and services and may even entirely close down, or cause to be closed down due to lack of funding – F&M/LGH are asking, and expecting, to get $20 million from […]
Rapid obsolescence and sinful ugliness
Here is a recurring theme: We are seeing it in Philadelphia: When business drops, it is pitched as a deficiency of the venue, and a demand is made for funds to “upgrade”. There is no doubt, that remedial or restorative work needs to be done on a regular basis, but the monumental funds demanded are […]
For the birds? Not.
This is for the bird lovers of Lancaster, “Are you pleased with the greasing of your roof, yard, sidewalk and auto with the feces of Crows?” … In as much as salmonella and other diseases are linked to excessive contact to bird waste, I think it’s time to either reduce the herd or send them […]