Tag: Letters to the Editor

Text photos disturbing

I am new to Lancaster and enjoy your publication.  However, the Watchdog response was very short sighted.  The fact is  that kids are sending such photos to their friends and these photos are being picked up by many pedophiles is very disturbing. What seems to be very innocent and fun postings can, and have resulted […]

Protect privacy of peaceful neighborhoods

Thank you for your thoughtful reply to my question:  “The addition of 105 cameras to the 60 we already have will ‘make Lancaster the most-watched city of its size in the nation.’  What do you think of this?” I have no problem with surveillance cameras in public places, as in commercial areas where one has […]

Faith in leaders

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1 (New International Version) Why are certain individuals elected to serve in public office? Because we the people vote with our faith that these are the individuals who will best represent us in their respective […]

$1.3 million per job!

“Folks – when Penn Square Partners applied for the taxpayer funded state grant – they claimed they were going to create 577 jobs! These examples of bait and switch are what we need to educate people about. This con job means that the convention center hotel jobs are being ‘created’ at a cost of OVER […]

NewsLanc not doing enough re railyard relocation

I have no personal problem with the rail yard – whether it goes or stays in its present location – and I don’t think most people care. I do have a problem, though, with how this whole relocation process was carried out: no public input, decisions made behind closed doors, false information given on state […]

Cleaning up ‘Brownfield’ sites

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), in conjunction with the Lancaster County Planning Commission, will be hosting an informative/educational seminar on Brownfields. This program offers individuals the opportunity to hear speakers from DEP and the Lancaster County Planning Commission regarding the unique challenges on how to clean‐up and revitalize the valuable land from Brownfield […]

F & M traffic pattern alterations

Could there be as-yet-unannounced plans to make College Ave one-way (probably north) from James St to Harrisburg Pike when the new street is put in that is to connect College Ave. to Liberty St (and that will run through the middle of a parking lot behind College Row and the new organic foods market)? Shouldn’t […]

Future of CC and hotel?

Mr. Morris said “we have a use for the facility” What does that mean? The Redevelopment Authority owns the hotel, and the County owns the CC. If the revenue does not come in and the city and county cannot pick up the bills as well as the debt service and the hotel tax is used […]

McCaskey’s loss

It’s painful to read the [former football coach Scott Feldman story in the Sunday News.] You realize upon reading the story that this teacher/coach poured his heart and soul into the “job” and bled for his kids. He clearly knew how to coach, having had many winning seasons and ultimately a winning record, even after […]

Hotel, not the CC, to get the slots

As was pointed out to me by a good friend, it is overwhelmingly more likely that slots would be installed by the “private” partners, NOT by the LCCCA. One out of several possibilities: since the PSP has a 99 year lease on their part of the “shared space”, they could do basically whatever they wanted […]