It is true that F&M does mow the grass and empty the trash cans at Buchanan Park. In return, the City reduces the “in- lieu- of- taxes payment” that it requests of F&M as a non-profit corporation. In 2008, Mayor Gray agreed to allow a $44,655 reduction in F&M’s payment in exchange for the grass-mowing […]
Tag: Letters to the Editor
Concerning CC Project delay
Maybe it’s about time we hear from S. Dale High and John Buckwalter on the “white Elephant”. Or are their heads in the sand?? This project is going to be an economic drain on Lancaster City and Lancaster County for generations. I’m not surprised that there are delays and apparent confusion as to the reasons […]
Tax exempt properties
Gee, how can we remove some more tax base from Lancaster? Oh yea, maybe push for a Federal District Courthouse in Lancaster. That should do some more to push more taxes onto those poor souls who are not yet exempt. Also, has anyone gone through the exercise of calculating how much tax money would be […]
More tax exempt city real estate
By moving the rail yard out of Lancaster and having Lancaster General Hospital and F&M college take over the former Armstrong plant properties, exactly how much additional tax revenue will be lost to Lancaster? The mayor complains about the high number of non-profit organizations in Lancaster but continues to give away more of the tax […]
City, not F & M, should conduct hearing
John Fry, president of F&M, was quoted in the Apr. 28 issue of the Intelligencer Journal as saying that lights and cameras would be added to Race Avenue this summer. Since the 600 – 900 blocks already have lights and cameras on the F&M side of the street, he had to be referring to the […]
In Response to “What’s next for SDL coaching?”
It’s so sad to see that someone that only went to a single game can easily pass judgement on the coaches. The coaches are new to Varsity & JV at McCaskey and it will take them some time to get used to. Especially the head coach, because he doesn’t like to listen to suggestions. I […]
In Response to “Need for boosterism”
Yes, we do need to take a positive approach toward making Lancaster a success. However, to say “Let’s stop talking down about our city and county” as an excuse to not discuss the terrible costs of the hotel and convention center project will not make its one-sided agreements or numerous questionable deals and actions go […]
Lancaster’s monstrous prisons
“Up the Ridge” is an award-winning documentary about the United States prison INDUSTRY which moves HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of inner-city minority offenders to distant rural outposts – such as moving people from North Philly to Lancaster. More than one in 100 adults in the United States is in jail or prison, an all-time high that […]
Need for boosterism
There are now two good handouts that can help draw more business (trade & tourism) into Lancaster if they are widely circulated (including on the city, county and tourist websites). One is the 168 page “One Lancaster, the essential guide to Downtown Lancaster” with a comprehensive pictoral and verbal description of many of Lancaster’s highpoints […]
D & A funding cut backs tragic
I sent your article about the severe funding cuts received by the Lancaster County Drug and Alcohol Commission (LCDAC) to a retired employee of the LCDAC. In response, she wrote: “This Commission is also the source of the major funding for the Council’s D&A programs in the schools. But this truly is tragic that many […]
Who’s to blame? Drew’s to blame.
Re “EDITORIAL: The real solution for SDL’s athletic program”, [Assistant School Superintendent] Drue Miles is the one who’s neck is always saved. Kids come and go and so do coaches, but he stays, and gets more money and less responsibility.
During this recession
During this recession, Lancaster taxpayers are being asked to spend up to $32 million to move a railroad yard to expand Franklin & Marshall’s campus. Alternate sites would cost much less and not endanger public health, but aren’t even considered! (Senator Arlen Specter thinks it’s OK to carelessly spend your money for his friends’ private […]
Investigate but don’t “showboat”
There were good alternatives proposed [to the Convention Center] earlier, but certain folks had to have the convention center. Maybe someday we will know the real reasons. We are now, as a community, challenged to try to make it work. If further investigation into any wrongdoing continues, it should not be done at the cost […]
McCaskey’s decline in sports
I am a proud McCaskey graduate from the Class of 90 and it has been sad to watch the decline of the athletic program over the years. I must agree with this article that the burden does lie on the coaching staff, and their ability to motivate and teach the kids on the teams. It […]